

Yeah well their numbers are declining and they don’t have the right anyway to force their bullshit on us. 

No less than 45% of the country is Christian. 

Yeah and the same was said about GoT when it first debuted too. Fool me once...

I am a Christian and I believe our elected leaders have a responsibility to represent the values our faith teaches.”

The court became illegitimate when McConnell rammed thru ACB appointment. Furthermore, Trump appointments became even more illegitimate in light of the criminal behavior we know he engaged in during his time in office.  

That whole “companies have the same individual rights as people” do decision the right was cheering on 10 years ago seems to really be coming back to bite them in a$$.
Gov’t can’t tell people or businesses how to conduct their business, except if their business is violation of the rights of others. These entities

Oh my 1.2%, despite having as someone said early 5.3% net gain year over year the last decade. What ever will we do!? /s

It was reported the ACTUAL number of people who permanently left CA over what some called “mass exodus” was about 180k people. The state has 39.95 million people. 

Ah yes, the another never dying lie from the right wing over immigrants: They’re all “murderers and rapists.”
Astounding how racism sounds the same in every language.

Honestly, I think if the GQP does flip the House, their majority will likely be as slim as the Democrats have now. Holding on or expanding our Senate majority will greatly limit what McCarthy and Co can do and we can streamline more left/progressive justices to appellate courts. Maybe if we’re lucky, a conservative

I’ve been pondering this exact situation for several years now. What are places like Phoenix, Vegas, LA, Palm Springs etc going to do when the taps run dry? It still baffles the mind as to why any of these places still see so many flocking to live there.

Shocking, another idiot easily parted with his money!? 

These stories continue to become more and more horrific with each passing month. The GQP needs to be wiped out in the mid-terms and every following election until it sinks into their collective skulls that their agenda is EXTREMELY unpopular and cruel. 

These people honestly have no lives whatsoever if this woman is going on tiktok and crying over something which are OTHER PEOPLE’S PERSONAL DECISIONS which have absolutely no bearing at all on her life. 

This only means my house will become beach front property sooner. Time to make some margaritas! 

Most conservative women I’ve seen look nothing like Goose stepping Barbie’s younger sister at all. So I imagine what REAL women there would be on this app would likely make even Ray Charles wince in agony. 

Isn’t this what Space X is doing w/ Starlink? We already have an orbital garbage problem and DARPA wants to make it worse? 

Science be Praised!

The Republicans being surprised their unpopular culture wars are unpopular is not shocking. What would be shocking is a Republican who exhibited an iota of self awareness and circumspection. All the polls for years have shown Roe was popular, but for the party where everything is “fake” that they don’t like, they