
These people are monsters. She had a still born, meaning it was never going to be a real live baby anyway, and they still treat her like a murderer.

I’m still not sure why we ever needed a “space force” whose job was already well handled by the air force before. Still not sure why we have a “space force” that doesn’t even go into space. And totally unsure as to why they need robodogs for any reason at all besides “cool” factor. Talk about one Trump era

Boy, the GQP sure can pick’em!?

Don’t be afraid, the best their insurrection could muster was several thousand. Nationwide, these people are nothing but paper tiger snowflakes who enjoy cos-playing army in their spare time. 

Still calling it: Trump will flee the country before he ever stands trial for his crimes. 

As CA resident, a state that is ranked as the 5th largest economy of the world, one of the top revenue generators of the federal gov’t, to which states like Nebraska depend on for everything from paving their roads to paying the police officers, I think we should have the right to withhold our federal tax dollars from

We need to be protesting outside churches like the forced birth people did outside planned parenthood clinics. Block people from entering or leaving, be boisterous and disruptive to their services, ask them rude and leading questions, and hold up pictures of dead women and point and accuse them of killing millions of

Remember, the right aren’t very intelligent and perennially think they will win every election and then wonder why they can’t after, never realizing it’s their terrible policies and hateful agenda that does it. So they get more radicalized, doubling down, and continue to lose more people from their party. You’re right

So what I got from this is Brandon Straka has no life to speak of hence why he can performatively sit in a jail cell all day blubbering about his own failings. Get a job you bum! 

I’d also say all candidates need to pass a basic civics test so they know how and what the duties and responsibilities their possible office will entail. It’s astounding the fundamental lack of understanding how gov’t works that comes out of Boebert and Greene on the daily. 

These “moral” crusades are nothing more than an invasion of privacy from the party still laughingly claiming they are for “small government.” There’s no good Republican at this point, aside from a dead one or in jail. 

Whenever Republicans accuse another person of illegal activity, always take it as a sign that they, themselves, are the ones doing it. Which makes me wonder why all the latest hysteria on “grooming” from these people? 

The reason I know there is no god is b/c men like Jones still walk the earth without keeling over from a well deserved stroke. 

I have been waiting for this lawsuit ever since the right rammed thru abortion restrictions and cited “religious freedom” as justification. The right only ever considersreligious freedom” to mean for their christian nationalism. Never bother doing their homework to look and find that, oh other religions have

See my prior statement on a cynical argument. 

Wasn’t it Mark Hamill who came out and said something to the likes of: “There are over 100 thousand species in the Star Wars universe, racists aren’t one of them.” (??)

It has surprised me in the past whenever I have encountered racist SW or Star Trek fans. How can you sit and watch the shows or movies, FULL OF ALIENS,

We need the name of the defense attorney, find out where he got it his law degree, and then show the “doodle pad” defense to anyone thinking of going there. If this is the kind of stuff lawyers are seriously arguing, our judicial system is absolutely 100% a joke. 

This is the same cynical argument I’ve heard for years and is one of the reasons we can’t get anything done in this country. Yes some are corrupt but there are plenty still doing what they can to make the world a better place. 

In my experience, guys who feel the need to prove their masculinity typically do so b/c they are the ones most lacking it. If you got it, you got it. No need to prove it, or show off. 

Based on what has been coming out regarding the leak, I think you’re right that he was the one who leaked it to keep Roberts from potentially flipping another justice.