
There needs to be MORE hostility towards religious beliefs and those who force theirs on others. Believe whatever the f*ck you want, but keep it to yourself or in your own house of worship. 

We all know what caused this! It’s not climate change or the “weather,” it’s b/c they are all pedophile Satanist Marxist pinko commies who don’t believe in hygiene.
They need to repent and return to the one TRUE faith in the Anunaki! Life eternal for Enki and Enlil! /s

What is so aggravating about this is the fossil fuel industry still has plenty of land they haven’t even tapped yet but they still always want more more more. This on top of the billions in annual gov’t subsidies they take advantage of thus padding their already very deep pockets.
That said, I’ll take whatever deal


Respectfully, as a Californian, and to the point robosilo is making, we need to match crazy with crazy to highlight the abject stupidity of these people. They love to lump all of Californians together in the same boat, I’m completely comfortable doing the same while knowing that blanket statements are objectively

Exactly. The fact is Mary Magdalen had more bodily autonomy than women in the US today. It’s funny to me how these people bang on about how abortion isn’t in the constitution to justify that it is not a right, yet abortion isn’t mentioned in the Bible either as something “wicked.” The fact that these people love omit

Why are we not saying what is really going on here?
God is punishing Missouri for the wickedness of taking away reproductive rights!? 

Republican run states are cesspools. 

It’s amazing how the Republican party is constantly in a race with itself to see who can be the most vile, hateful, and malicious as possible. They really don’t want to be part of civilized society anymore is what I’m taking away from it. 

They way he talks about women, I bet his mother is really proud!? /s

Tho it’s good they are implementing this, it’s a bit late in the game. Almost to the point I’d ask: “Why bother?” Sure this may have had some mitigating impacts if they implemented this a decade ago, but now that they are in a water crisis it’ll have no impact whatsoever. Remember when trying to convince some people

I’m so sorry for you. The loss of a pet is never easy even when it is the right thing to do b/c you don’t want them to suffer any longer. My heart goes out to you. 

If that virus came here, you could bet your bottom dollar the supreme court would knee cap any meaningful attempt by the federal gov’t to stop it. 

B/c I enjoy sex and that is my private right to indulge in with other like minded consenting adults. Btw, I am in an open relationship and we’ve made it work for the last 7 years. Monogamy is not for everyone.

There’s about to be a whole lotta midwest redneck men who are going to be very poor very soon. This is a pyrrhic victory for them, nothing more, even if they don’t realize it yet.  

Clinton was right, these people are deplorables. 

I’ve been on prep for years now. It’s sad that there are still those in our community who still have not heard about it. The elimination of the HIV scare is truly liberating and there are avenues you can take to get the meds for free, even after the insurance deduct. Yes the quarterly lab tests can be a chore but b/c

This video does a pretty good job at summing up the average American’s opinion on police:

It boggles the mind how Phoenix still has the real estate market they do considering the reality of dwindling water supplies. 

Hope springs eternal.