
Yes Rogue 1 sucked. The acting was terrible, the writing was even worse, the plot was an iffy filler at best, and the only redeemable part of the very longer boring movie was the last 20 minutes of action at the end. Don’t even get me started about the Dave and Buster’s version of the claw machine for accessing data

Rogue 1 sucked. If this is a prequel to it count me out. I’ll stick w/ Mando, Bobba, and Obi

I think Disney is going to over saturate the market w/ Star Wars series which will ultimately dilute the brand. Better to have quality over quantity. 

I’m sure this should go without saying, but this is another example of how “good guys with guns” don’t stop shit.

It’s time we make the gun lobby fear for it’s life like the kids who have suffered from school shootings did theirs. The people who profit off the bullets being fired need to be held accountable for this

Again, why do you expect the president, any president, to micromanage everything in this large country down to the very miniscule detail? That’s entirely unrealistic. There’s a thing in management called DELEGATING. Learn what that means. 

She doesn’t buy it yet the settlement went through? As a COO you’d think she’d know what a settlement is. 

Just goes to show you that these people are not and never were “pro-life.” They are religious zealots who we will need to deal with harshly if we are to maintain our freedoms. They aren’t stopping at abortion. 

I swear this bill must have been written by a “Berkeley parent.” Never wanting to take responsibility for their own children, much less disciplining them, why not sue the social media companies for why Little Billy won’t listen to me any more!? Couldn’t have been from all the years where you let the child dictate the

Um what you just said would technically put the blame on Abbot not Biden. I also find it weird how when a Dem is in the WH they are suddenly supposed to be in charge and in control of everything down to the production of baby formula now!? I bet you cheer for “smaller gov’t” too without realizing the contradictions

This is super cool. I hope they have some follow up with radiometric dating. It’d be wild if this thing were much much older than our own solar system.

“Do you identify as human?”

I mean, everyone knows there’s bots on twitter, he must have known well before this. So the only reason he is whining now, is like others said, he’s trying to find a way to weasel out of this deal w/o having to owe the cancellation fee.

AKA - Being a “billionaire” on paper is not the same as having a billion in the

I’m sorry but the whole argument about how many likes a post gets is entirely irrelevant and not correlative to what is or is not a ‘bot.’ I’ve seen arguments like this about Youtube as well. Even viral videos racking up millions of views commonly only have a several tens of thousands ‘likes.’ Likes are meaningless

We really need to start as whole lambasting people for their conspiracy theory beliefs, racist attitudes, and overall unfounded hatred of people based on superficial metrics like skin tone, etc. I was reading an opinion article the other day asking what happened to the time when people who made such comments, like

On Long Island, some very rich property owners in the Hamptons lobbied against an offshore wind farm, citing unfounded fears of “violent energy releases” and “electromagnetic fields.”

As if these people weren’t constantly surrounded electromagnetic fields? What do you think your cell phone generates? Rainbows and

Wtf is a space combat training squad? To my knowledge we have to have any sort of “combat” in space, be it hand to hand or ship to ship. Like wtf are these people training for? 

He got like that after 2 drinks? What a light weight!?
And it’s never a good look when you have to say: “My parents have [x] amount of money!” 

According to a recent Morning Consult poll, over half (51%) of Republican voters said they didn’t feel like they could properly express themselves online.”

Jeeeh Whiz, I wonder why!? Maybe b/c the height of conservative speech has devolved into nothing more than school yard bully name calling, advocating violence

Mark my words, the radical religious right won’t stop at abortion. As a member of the LGBTQ community, we see the attack on Roe as a pretext for overturning marriage equality, among other unenumerated rights granted to a number of groups over decades of judicial decisions. B/c in other parts of Alito’s opinion he

I’m certainly no legal, telecom, or social media expert but wouldn’t removing the protection Section 230 provides to social media essentially end user content? B/c what tech company looking to make money, which is all of them, would want to go thru the hassle of being relentlessly sued, from whatever side of the

My entire house is already converted over to LED years ago. Most stores around me don’t even carry the old stuff anymore.