
Oh and you said “name calling” not cursing b/c I curse like a sailor and f*ck you if you have a problem w/ how I speak. You should be familiar with “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!”, pedophile.

I did google, nothing but conspiracy sites. Nothing substantive or viable. Time for you to admit you want to touch little kiddies and should be placed on a sexual predation list. B/c let’s be real, no one gets this upset over nothing at all who isn’t already guilty of what they are accusing others of. 

Dimms on Epstein Island”

You’re welcome/.

No just the closer you get to the limit the exponentially more energy you need to put into the system just to get it incrementally closer to the speed of light. 

Oh and don’t go on about name calling. Take a look at your own posts just on this thread alone. You can claim no moral high ground there, pedo.

Amazing you still show NO PROOF. STFU

Ya know what, either put up or stfu. You either can produce proof or you’re a lying sack of sh*t who is projecting their own sexual deviancy b/c the real people who cry the most about pedophilia are the ones engaged in it.
Literally READ ABOUT ANY STORY from the last 15 years of conservative white men “worried about

Again NO ONE IS TEACHING SEX TO KIDS. And you have no proof whatsoever to offer, clearly, to prove any one actually is.

LOL I’m sure Zuck will get right on paying that fine, Putin!? Really Russian threats seem to ring more and more hollow now.

So when we cutting their undersea data cables? 

We all can agree social media is toxic. Want to end this? We need to starve the beast of what is craves, YOUR DATA. This isn’t that hard of a concept. Get off the platform, diminish the data they feed on, and watch it implode from within when ad revenues and data sharing ventures dry up. There was a world before

Again, no one is talking about sex to 5 yo or under. I bet you can’t produce a SINGLE news story to back up your bs

Billionaires trying to be philosophical just comes off as pretentious dribble. Statements like this made my eyes roll even in college.  

Dude, MO is way more popular than Harris and every major celebrity or public icon has more bots following them than actual people. 

First off, NO ONE IS GROOMING LITTLE KIDS besides the numerous conservatives who have been convicted over the last 10 years claiming “protect the kids” and “family value” bs.
Secondly, Disney is always building, they are always updating and innovating.

Shows just how little you understand anything. 

All I can say is the writing for Obi Wan had better be better than it was for the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Gawd so many of those lines fell so flat I literally watched the whole Padme and Anakin romping thru the field scene w/ some huge tick looking animals through my fingers. I’m hopeful tho.  

Between the base building update and this, I think I may finally purchase this and bring over my boy from Sea of Thieves. 

They would have dropped a kilo of cocaine in the back seat then pistol whipped it until they felt satisfied it had complied. /s

At this point, it’s time to cut the undersea data cables linking Russia to the free world. I only mildly feel bad for the Russian populace that will ultimately feel the highest price of Russia’s self imposed isolation, but really they deserve the gov’t they let rule them. Czars, Lenin, Stalin, and now Putin. Literally

I remember in 2016 debating with some people, who ultimately sat out on voting in that election or cast their vote for that fraud Jill Stein as a protest, that the Supreme Court could be upended and put in jeopardy all sorts of things from women’s reproductive health care, to environmental protections, LGBTQ rights,

As a CA resident, I don’t know why we ever lifted water conservation measures after the last drought “ended.” It’s not like this wasn’t going to happen again. If there’s anything to criticize Newsom over, it’s that. Otherwise, I think he’s done ok for the state esp in regards to COVID (French Laundry dinner aside).