
How long will we wait for “winter to come” this time? Last time it was 8 seasons and all I got was a let down making me question my life’s choices. 

I think you got your story wrong. 

Thank you for this insight. It’s helped relieve some anxiety I just had from reading this particularly b/c my cat is/was wearing one of their collars. 

Man, these GQP politicians sure do like to travel.... anywhere except their own districts. wtf is he doing in Montana? 

Astronaut Scott Kelly is right when he tweeted at the head of Roscosmos that this war will result in their “space program won’t be worth a damn.” And soon if they can’t procure airplane parts, neither will be their airline industry. 

Killa is right you are an idiot. No one was ever teaching sex-ed to Kindergarteners. Just like CRT was never taught anywhere else besides Master level elective courses. You people make these laws that are solutions to exactly ZERO problems. 

As a gay man I cannot tell you what and how much this will mean for our community should this vaccine get full approval. Granted we’ve had Truvada for years now as prophylactic, it’s still a daily pill you have to take with quarterly lab tests and doctor check ins. The upside to which is you always know your status,

It is precisely the “drill baby drill” attitude and “god” delusion that has gotten us in this mess. But this is an unsurprising comment coming from the governor of the state which ranks last on just about every metric.  

Renewables, conservation, and efficiency are not just about energy security, they’re about national security.”

We need to be pounding this message thru every single person’s head in the US. Great article! 

I’m sure you never think of “grooming” when prince charming kisses the princess in the litany of Disney movies where this occurs. And literally NO ONE is talking to children about gay sex except conservatives who have no idea what they are talking about in the first place. Saying “I have two mommies/daddies” is not

It’s time for the EV revolution to get kicked into high gear already. 

Sadly these actions are nothing more than the last and what will be the ultimately failed attempt to preventing this species’ extinction. Climate change is very real but so long as we have 1 political party more hellbent on whining about being booted off Twitter for being the terrible people they are, like the last 20

I have literally been saying for years, that the US dependence on foreign oil is a national security risk. Whether you accept the science on climate change or not, you cannot deny that every time we pump gas in our cars we are ever so slightly helping various autocrats continue their regimes. Russia, Saudi Arabia,

B/c the water policies they still work off were written back in the 20's or 30's and haven’t updated since. Those rules also over promised on the water and now the Colorado river no longer makes it to the ocean. 

I’m beginning to think Putin painted himself into a corner. He starts a war, it won’t end well for Russia, but if it turns out he’s bluffing and walks away with nothing the West will only be that much more distrusting and resolved in further cutting ties with him and he’ll look weak in front of his people.

If this is

When I lived in Seattle, there was a local neighborhood taqueria that served this gigantic super burrito. To advertise it as you walked in there was a picture of the burrito on a plate sitting next to a new born babe wrapped in a blanket. Yes a strange measurement indeed, but I always felt accomplished when I ate a

When I lived in Seattle, there was a local neighborhood taqueria that served this gigantic super burrito. To advertise it as you walked in there was a picture of the burrito on a plate sitting next to a new born babe wrapped in a blanket. Yes a strange measurement indeed, but I always felt accomplished when I ate a

Every story I read about the JWST, no matter how small a detail, makes me tingle all over. I’m giddy just imagining what first images we’ll see when its fully online.

Science Be Praised

Kanye is spiraling out of control. Ms Fox may say they are bf/gf, but his actions lately say otherwise. He’s literally stalking Kim, posting bizarre posts on IG about begging god to get his family back together, flying to Miami to head off Pete and Kim going on vacation, etc. The man is literally a ticking time bomb

As if Ebola wasn’t terrifying enough! Just imagine if we had an Ebola outbreak the last 2 years instead of Covid. I wonder if masks would still be an issue to some people?