
As if we needed any more evidence DeJoy wants to destroy the USPS it’s certainly rendered here:

USPS Spokesperson: “While we can understand why some who are not responsible for the financial sustainability of the Postal Service might prefer that the Postal Service acquire more electric vehicles, the law requires the

Interesting article. If this HIV variant is still able to be treated with the current antiviral cocktail does that mean that those taking Prep are still shielded? I’d like to think so but I don’t know enough about virology to make a determination. 

Anyone else get a chuckle out of their penchant for calorie counting each other? As if weight loss was all there was to it in ending their “involuntary” celibacy!? 

That parallel universe likely has flying cars by now. 

Rogan’s damage control non-apology only highlights how very little he understands the difference between what constitutes actual debate and lying.

Idk, seems like everyone is generally in a happier mood now that Trump can’t consume all the media oxygen in the world every day by threatening to blow it up in 3am unhinged Twitter rants. 

The epic failure which will be “Truth Social” will be a lot of fun to watch crash and burn. 

If they are doing a sequel to Fallen Order I hope to god they revamp some of the game play. Like maybe not make force (double) jump something to be unlocked with those annoying cut scenes, not so many sliding sections, and maybe not make every planet have huge freaking spiders as the resident fauna. Seriously, I could

This looks pretty exciting! I look forward to it! 

I still ask the question: Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyy did this movie need to be made?

There are some GREAT novels I’ve read recently that would make far better NEW films, ones that haven’t been rehashed 100 times, which I’d rather see made for the silver screen as opposed to another rendition of “How To Get Moarh Milk From

I kind of agree with him. All the metaverse is going to be is Facebook in VR. Just as toxic, just as fake, just as vapid as Facebook ever was just with the added bonus of all the trolls now being interactable avatars.

YAY!!!! (puke)

Science Be Praised! 

I’m personally loving all the new Trek coming out. I think Disco has finally hit a stride I can get with, where as the prior seasons seemed a bit lost on what they were doing and where they wanted to take the show. Picard was good and look forward to more. Prodigy is surprising me as a kid’s show and I’m actually

The free market only works for Republicans when they think it is going their way.
Same goes for voting rights, women’s rights, lgbtq rights, gov’t spending, fiscal responsibility, religious liberty, and America’s international interests.

As mentioned in several other posts here, I’d rather see money spent on things like this than being spent on what is already an over bloated military budget. Sure it may not have panned out the way one hoped, but not trying is always the greater risk.

Just here to remind everyone that change takes time. Trump’s biggest blind side he ever had when he was president, and to a large degree Republican in general, think that many of these machinations of the regulatory state can be changed with a snap of the fingers. It does not. This is why it is paramount to continue

Marks my words: The US will be one of the LAST countries to come out of this b/c of the anti-intellectualism and anti-vaxx vein running through our country. I’d also like to say it’ll be those SAME PEOPLE (anti-vaxx etc) who will be wondering why the rest of the world is moving on from Covid but we’re not.

Time to check some police officers cell phone GPS data! 

From your lips to gods ears. You’re absolutely right these people need to die off in droves. We could have avoided all this if it weren’t for the anti-vaxxers. 

If we didn’t need Manchin so badly to hold control of the Senate, I’d be all for kicking his sorry ass out of the conference.

We need to be voting in the midterms people and not for Republicans or guys like Joe Manchin.... Remember he actually voted FOR Trump’s tax scam that was nothing more than a rick person welfare