
Oh no!....

So Anyway...

If Democrats lose the house and senate next year, look no further than Manchin to blame. I truly believe Biden, Pelosi and Schumer worked and negotiated as best they could but Manchin, no matter what deal they negotiated, is a traitor bought and paid for by special interest. The fact he claims he is worried about the

Strange thing is, the Coal Union came out against Manchin being against the BBB

The suspense is killing me!!!! But I’d rather have it delayed in order to ensure it works properly than launch it and get nothing.

Spirit fingers wiggling in the sky praying to the science gods to let this thing lift off and deploy without issue. 

I don’t need a movie to tell me to steer clear of Zuck’s metaverse. Just look into his eyes, the man has no soul so he has to suck yours!

That’s nice. I’ll just pour myself another glass of wine. 

Not gonna lie, if he winds up dead I’m order pancakes for breakfast.

He was then and always will be a piece of shit like Edward Snowden. 

We are facing the same numbers of immigrants under Biden that we did under Trump.

He’s going along with a court ruling and trying to find a work around it. Relax, these things take time. 

Thank you, I feel like articles like this don’t provide the ENTIRE picture of what is behind these actions.

It just goes to show how and why consistently voting for people who want to make change happen is so important, including when it comes to judges and the courts. Biden’s hands are tied b/c we’ve let Republicans

Well I’m certainly glad that Biden got the infrastructure bill passed b/c it is clear there’s something bad in the water down in Texas. Lead pipes perhaps?

Another Herman Cain award winner! 

Oh we’re the evil ones and not the guy peddling fake therapies as a treatment for a pandemic? Gee Willigers thank you for setting us straight!? /s

Essentially exemplifying why we need the James Webb up there even more. So much more to see that is shrouded in dust. 

GoT was always a terrible story with a terrible author who never finished his terrible series. I’m glad I dropped off watching the show after season 6. The fact he wanted 10 quite frankly would have mortified me. 

“This is the most precious planet in the world and we have to preserve it and conserve it and make sure that our children and their children and so on have this beauty in their lives,” Bezos said.

1. The world is the planet.
2. This is such a knee slapper given the amount of disposable plastic Amazon generates just in

Ah yes b/c the threat of “god’s judgement” has been such a great motivator in the past for the cause of good and righteousness!? /s

This is a mistrial plain and simple. This judge, just based off the bs he demanded pre-trial as to what you can call the “victims,” is biased af. I watched the entire scene yesterday where he was addressing the prosecution and all I got away from that was that this judge will not allow anything questioning or evidence

We all have different beliefs,” Krissovich told Fox 40. “This is the United States and we all come from different backgrounds and everybody should be okay with who they are.”

Which is why there’s one party in American that tried to overthrow the gov’t, continues to make threats (Gossar) against his opposition, and

The right wing really is cheering on the death of America. So much for being the “marketplace of ideas” when the right is reduced down to making not so veiled threats of violence against political opponents.

Nothing says you have a winning argument or policy like threatening to kill your opposition.