
Alec Baldwin has since apologized, reached out to the victim’s family, and is cooperating with authorities.... you know being a decent human being. Posting meme’s like this and having no sense of self-circumspection or guiding morals is deeply disturbing for a member of Congress. But alas, please continue to go on

You’d think at some point these people would grow tired of 1. being disappointed that every prediction Q ever made has not come true, and 2. of being laughed at all the time.

And they call us the “indoctrinated ones.” Oi vey

If the US were serious about this, we’d eliminate the fossil fuel subsidies and transfer that money over to subsidize more green initiatives. But since the majority is being perpetually held hostage by an ever shrinking, yet ever more hostile, minority that’ll never happen. So all we can do is keep voting in hopes of

Well if this nation suffers another Trump administration you better believe we are all f*cked, climate included. 

That made me feel all good and tingly inside. We need MORE people like Porter in gov’t! 

Hard pass from me.
Sure would VR social media be cool I think? Yes
But FB changing it’s name to Meta is sort of like an abusive ex saying “I’ve changed I swear!” And I trust FB/Zuck about as high as I could lift a Boeing 747 w/ my pinky.

This whole suing over vaccine mandates is getting really tiresome.

To the hackers behind this:

I Solute you! 

I’ve been saying this since a year ago, we should be charging Trump for homicide, negligence, and willful dereliction of duty. 775k Americans have now died, who would likely would still be with us if Trump had actually done his job from day 1, instead of happy talking the virus down for months, then only to politicize

Friendly Daily Reminder: Delete your Facebook account to starve the beast.

Federal regulations won’t stop it.
Posting and writing about it won’t stop it.
Only using “occasionally” won’t stop it.

Only YOU can help stop it by removing yourself from the equation.

Bay Area here, this weekend’s storm was a monster! But we needed it! It was nice tho to have a weekend where we spent the entire time in bed, watching TV and movies, playing games, and cooking meals. Could use more weekends like this one! 


Meanwhile Russian hackers are cracking their knuckles gearing up to offload whatever SSN# and credit card information they can from the lemmings dumb enough to sign up for Trump’s social media platform.

Grab your popcorn! 

I think this is a temporary blip in coal usage. Yes, it is bad that we still depend to some degree on the dirty stuff, but the bigger picture still is showing a continued push and drive towards renewables.
What is concerning is that we’re not moving over fast enough to stave off the worst we can expect to happen later

People who complain about “PC police” just are complaining that the world can’t stand their abhorrent behavior they get called out on. Aka you’re just an a--hole. 

Just based off of the comments made by several individuals in other Gizmodo stories related to Chappelle’s comedy special, it is evident that his denigrating of the trans community has given those same individuals the perceived right to do and behave the same towards the trans community.

There are jokes, then there’s

Yes white comedians had done this but there was a backlash, rightfully so from the black community, and now there are NO WHITE COMEDIANS doing it. The LGBT community doesn’t think it’s off limits to anything, but there are jokes and then there is flat out being prejudice which Chappelle clearly is here. 

Firstly, Chappelle hasn’t been funny for a LONG time. His last special was an utter unfunny flop and more of an airing of grievances than an actual comedy skit.

Secondly, the trans community I believe to be justified in calling out Chappelle. The continued marginalization of their community, even in jest, only gives

It’s not the point. Continued marginalization of a minority only feeds into the collective hate that minority faces which some take to believing that it remains ok to debase and discriminate against that minority. Chappelle, as a black man, should understand this better than anyone considering what he has advocated

Your argument has been made before except substitute “trans” for “gay marriage” and it’s the same damn argument. Other people gaining EQUAL rights does not, in no way shape or form, supplant your rights. Your entire argument fails.