
Stereotyping? No. Going off of what we know to be statistically true? Yes.
Hell even illegal immigrants are more likely than rural whites to be vaccinated.

Oh leftist media profits off of scaring people?
I remember how Fox was saying Sharia law was coming to America, gay marriage will destroy society, there’s some strange “war on christmas” b/c some people say “happy holidays” instead of Starbucks makes a new festive coffee mug, or how about how a gender neutral Mr

COVID goes away when conservatives realize that not everything is about scoring political points in the very immature mantra of “owning the libs.” And caring for my neighbors and loved ones, trying to prevent them from contracting a PREVENTABLE disease is not vanity, it’s called compassion. You could use some. 

The Borg ending scene made me spit out my beer. It was such a great yet subtle gag. Loved it! This was truly an remarkable episode to a great show.

I don’t think making it a public utility is a good idea considering how it could potentially be politicized and used against political opponents out of power.  I’m for breaking it up under anti-trust laws but removing it as a private entity creates more complications than it would solve. 

More than a third of UK households have gas stoves and 86% rely on it for heating. Gas also accounts for 42% of the country’s electricity generation.”

See here is where I think the problem lies. They are overly dependent on gas and maybe if you had read further you’d read that the issue is far more complex than simply

“in no way represent the company’s position on a variety of issues” and that McCoy was “never involved in developing the company’s policy positions on the issues discussed.”

Uh huh, Sure Jan. And I have coastal front property for sale in Nevada. GOOD DEAL TOO! 

Thank you! All you get from boiling bear piss is more concentrated bear piss. This “shaman” is an idiot. 

Their whole “companies are a person” thing is really back firing against republicans now. There are some very slim silver linings to the Citizens United ruling.

It’s amazing that the miracle of medical science has given us an answer to COVID-19 but there are people still willing to guzzle down horse de-wormer bc of some bs they heard on Facebook. We are a stupid country. 

It still shocks me there are people out there willing to take a livestock anti-parasitic medicine, over a medically approved vaccine, and the thought never occurs to them that “maybe I shouldn’t be taking this.” The stupidity is astounding any more. 

You’re partially correct, you can’t blame climate change entirely on this fire b/c it was PG&E that once again started it. But climate change is responsible for the conditions that allow these fires to spawn and grow so wildly out of control that it now threatens our beloved lake Tahoe.

PG&E needs to be made a public

I give Las Vegas and Phoenix another 10 years, max, before they become uninhabitable. These places just never were meant to support the populations and sprawl which currently exist there today.

In the gay community, we have a name for guys like him: Sparkle Pony

They come in, not doing any of the work, but feel they deserve to reap all the rewards.

The sad part is, that there are plenty of gays out there easily dazzled by a pretty little thing like Aaron, not realizing what he did and what he stood for when

The irony here is that the ENTIRE story of the Mandalorian has been about a bad@ss bounty hunter going out of his way to save (*gasp*) a refugee alien! The very thing these people denigrate almost as frequently as they breathe air. But irony and intelligence is completely lost on Trump supporters sooooo yeah. 

Delete Facebook, it hasn’t done anyone or society any good whatsoever. 

Star Wars Fallen Order! Finally got the double jump and life is sweet. 

Californian here and how p*ssed off people are about this rolling safety black out cannot be overstated. Esp in light of the recent $11 million in bonuses their top execs received recently. Sure we are happy that we ‘potentially’ won’t have to breath in another 2 weeks of toxic smoke filled air again thanks to PG&E’s