Albert Kunteko

The shit is not deep at all.

And the only reason you find it “deep” or problematic is because if you follow the line of logical reasoning you’re either forced to change your opinion of this woman or you’re forced to change your opinion of trans people, vis a vis appropriation.

“Being black” isn’t just about hair and dress, etc. It’s about culture, family, how you grew up and how you were treated in your formative years.

I caught myself asking, “Is there an essence of blackness?” Then I realized I didn’t even get my fucking coffee yet this morning, and I don’t want to get too much into this without the caffeine.

Omg so confloozled. Is this “trans ethnic”? I thought that only existed on Tumblr.

It’s interesting to me that people who easily see gender as a construct see race as somehow essentialist. Race is also a construct; the idea of race as we perceive it (i.e. related to a geographic genetic heritage) is pretty recent, and some have argued, came about to justify European colonialism/slave trade.

So much outrage over a site you can access for free and are not obligated to use at all.

It’s really about ethics in censorship...

Yo, kids! FUCK YOU!

If I can judge teenage girls’ body language like I did in high school, then there’s a good chance I’m gonna feel really awkward and these girls won’t talk to me.

If I’ve learned anything from sports, it’s that you can’t just deck women at home and expect to get away with it.

That’s a really underhanded thing to do.

You should have saved this one for the “Tell us about the most poorly planned family outings you’ve ever had” submission call.

My Dad was a member at a local semi-private club from the day it opened and he and I played there pretty much every weekend for 3 years. He and I were about as much “regulars” as you could be. Place was nice, but a little hung up about accentuating the divide between member and non-member amenities/facilities. Dad had

i think i can tell the difference between when i am feeling animosity towards a person and when i am feeling grossed out and sick to my stomach by something i’ve read, but i’m sure your interpretation of my feelings is more accurate than my own. lol

I think she’s making it up as she goes along. The next one will have Dragons.

“Carry That Weight” is not a straightforward piece of activism either. It’s sensationalist, derivative “art” (Vito Acconci meets Rachel Whiteread?) the interest and impact of which rests upon an unconvicted rape allegation, and speaks to a narcissistic, careerist bent, especially when followed up by the sex-tape

Buyer’s remorse

When there actually IS a victim, quite true. She isn’t one.

But this isn’t about rape in general or consent. This isn’t even about sending a message to the world. This is all about her, getting attention for herself, provoking people by basically saying that if you watch a video she posted publicly, then you are raping her. She’s trolling. This is not a PSA. It’s trolling.

I am assuming the stating it isn't a reenactment is part of trying to not get sued.