Albert Kunteko

LOL, that may be somewhat true, but I certainly wouldn’t put Gabby Pacheco in that category based on this interaction with Ann Coulter. Pacheco didn’t appear to feel entitled, she asked and explained her reason, and she was polite when she was refused.

Hugging strangers and casual acquaintances is the WORST.

People who think they’re entitled to hug you are evil.

What? This seems like an overreach.

Labial cigar?

The problem is that Sexual Assault runs the gamete from physically incapacitating someone and doing everything up to penetration to putting your hand on someone’s back without explicitly asking permission. Unfortunately most people think of it as much closer to the former and don’t understand just how much the

“The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me

Fair is fair. Her “rape” claims have not only not been corroborated, they fly in the face of actual evidence of what happened.

But she isn’t “fighting”. She has no interest in filing charges. Keep in mind, no one is calling all rape victims liars. Just this particular girl.

Sorry, her story does not hold up to any scrutiny whatsoever, that is why she did not file criminal charges. She won’t sue for defamation either because she won’t be able to prove that this is not true. She couldn’t even prove her story was true to satisfy the lower standard of prove required by the college,and even

Yeah, why would any woman do something immoral for personal gains, only men can be evil. Women are perfect little angels and can never lie about anything. Am I right?

I don’t normally comment on websites, but there is such a wealth of misinformation about this case in the Jezebel comments, I feel compelled to. He was not accused of rape by multiple women. Emma accused him of rape. One of the other accusers accused him of groping her at a party (which is still a crime, but not

Dealing with cops and ADAs is trying and tedious for a fucking reason. It’s their job to do as thorough an investigation as possible. She may not understand the reason they ask the questions they do, but they are looking for any and all evidence to both HELP her, and prevent the other side from destroying her. I am

I know I’m going to get flamed for saying this (probably by many of my friends here) but I think that the way Emma Sulkowicz has managed the aftermath of her alleged attack is a bit self-centered.

How do they account for the fact that Paul Nungesser has been accused of rape by multiple women?

This led to an argument between my wife and I: Would you rather be the captain of a destroyer or a fighter pilot?

I’m not trying to troll this story in any way, but does it bother anyone that this guy has never been convicted of anything..yes, the university handled this completely improperly, but smoke doesn’t always mean fire. Please keep in mind I’m not trying to defend this guy, but I do feel we’re crossing a line here in

“More likely than not” is enough to rule against someone in any civil suit. It’s legalese, not just “well, gosh, I guess they did it...”

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This really, really stupid advice helped me lose 30 pounds: Don’t buy anything bad. When I went grocery shopping, I didn’t buy any pop or any snacks that were ready to eat. If I wanted to eat something, I had to make it. Instead of stuffing my face from a chip bag, I had to make something, which meant prep and clean