
And his trunk won’t be frozen shut either...dodged that bullet.

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

Every word you just said was wrong.

Well, at least we’d see temperatures above freezing. That’d be nice for about 1/100th of a second.

“At the very least, the tiny slice of the market running AMD processors has some grounds to feel pleased about themselves.” - Salty Writer

Right, because humans can only ever focus on one thing at a time.

are Darwin Awards still given out?

I definitely started to read the article title as “The Doctor Who© Branded Patient...”.

Ugh oh well... You are right. Lol you are right.

Lol yes because the Democratic party would never... Different sides of the same coin brother.

Lol that is what happens when you hand over this kind of power to a unelected organization. See DEA, ATF, or Federal Alphabet. It is kind of bitter sweet for me as a firearms collector. Maybe this will mend fences in the populace and we can bring the power back to the people but I doubt it. Red vs Blue politics is

I don’t know if you have it right. I think most people wont notice at all. For the people who are aware of what is happening maybe Obi Wan “As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”

You will need to pay your ISP to hear the Right Channel

In what specific way is your life in 2017 significantly worse than 2016? Do you still have a job? Do you still have a place to live? Do you still have food on your table? Do you still have friends and family? Do you still have an iPhone? Is there something specific that the government has done that is acutely

Yeah, because after the vote Trump will control the Internet and stop us from being able to say anything.

Sorry for what?

Ajit Pai. Hurry, put him in before the Net Neutrality vote!

FWIW you were going to get raped either way. The mere allowance for regional monopolies means the isp’s are going to rape the consumer either way. Pai doesn’t have my support, but if he follows up by completely opening the telecom industry... then my stance will switch on a dime.

It seriously makes me mad they are ignoring the people and just doing whatever the fuck they want. I don’t even think I can express it in words