
What do you mean we got that wonderful gem of how he got his name.... 

Angry boner.

What does it matter let the prudes be prudes and move on. 

Apparently you can’t quite Windows 7 either... Unless you are ignoring Edge on your Win10 box in favor of the less secure browser.

Don’t worry though we are close just like with fusion... Maybe another 20 years.

Ahhh the French they are truly better than us.

Oh god please no Law and Order: ST or First Contact really how far can that go? How about a show about smugglers during the Dominion war or sometime post.

To your first part isn’t that funny how it works. If only they were more tolerant.

Well she would of been a very spiteful God and also not very smart at least if she didn’t want to bother any of her other children...

Plus virtualized test environments.

Plus virtualized test environments.

Virtualization and test environments is what I will be using mine for as well as some gaming.

Eh Disney is about at EA’s level in my opinion for creating engaging content.

Is it the Ghostbusters movie?

Could anyone on this forum honestly live without the internet. I think they are lying to themselves if they think so.

Except to stunt people. They took our yob!

I hope you don’t actually weep for the country. That isn’t helpful and probably not good for your health to harbor that much stress for things completely outside of your control. *Insert Gender* up.

At this point I would be fine if Star Wars Episode IX was the last Star Wars movie ever...

Can someone more in-touch with this topic fill me in? What constitutes a “sex-worker”?

I don’t leave the house unless I have one on deck. Mostly incase a bear tries to eat me. One never knows...