
You are not, no.

Am I the only person with 0 interest in a Boba Fett movie?

Except us though right ;)

This is really the only civilized response.

what the fuck

If the government didn’t secure mortages for a penny more than they suggest median income spends on shelter it would be a big step in driving prices down.

Not like we are the only country that has had this problem, the solution does not have to be unique.

Huh? California notoriously builds very very little housing. Market value has gone way up because of it.

To add to housing shortage, people like my parents (I call them “Blue collar millionaires”) bought their 1200 Sqft. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in Mountain View in the 1970's for a $50,000. They are both retired.

Los Angeles has been encouraging homeless people to come here for years with its policies (and other states are happy to oblige), trying to get it to a crisis point, which they did. Having created the gigantic problem, that was enough to get voters to pass proposition HHH which will spend billions of dollars on

But Vik describes furries as people who just love cartoon animals. “Do you like Bugs Bunny? Hate to break it to ya then, but you’re a furry.”

Dealing with trolls if you are openly furry should be second nature by now by anyone with a draw to anthropormorphic animals. The trolling has only been going on for what, the last 40 years?

On October 10th? That’s oddly specific.

But if you could stop them then it isn’t rape because you stopped them? Maybe I am missing something but it seems your argument is well the act was initiated by the assailant but the victim took out the butt plug of their own free will so no harm no foul?

No. I realize you’re trolling, but for the benefit of other readers I’ll explain. Under the law it’s a question of intent and knowledge. So, in your hypo, where the phone is allegedly against the person’s genitals, (1) does the caller know where the phone is, or have reason to believe that his actions will be cause

Yes. This is not actually a hard question.

If you have a lock on your suitcase and I figure out how to open it and take what’s inside, is it still theft if you just left it lying around outside? I’d argue that theft is theft.

So if a person is masturbating and someone rapes them and they get an orgasm during the rape its not rape? I mean they wanted an orgasm and they got an orgasm

There is an error of reasoning here: consensual penetration is NOT rape. When one inserts something in one’s cavities by their own free will, it’s NOT rape. Everything that happens with consent (ergo with one’s own free will) is NOT rape. Rape is not the penetration. Rape is when the will is taken away, esp. in a