
I notice it more that I am older now...

I am sure some have fallen off trucks in the past.

*Facepalm* Let see any of that done with a bow of hunting poundage let alone war bow meant to penetrate armor. Lars Andersen is a trick shot nothing he does relates to actual historical archery.

Yea that gif tells me everything I need to know which is I don’t need to see this movie.

So they are going to continue using that salt thus lowering themselves closer to the water? Lol I think they could of shipped a lot of salt for that 5mil on the levee.

Organizations like Megalia do more harm than good for what ever they are advocating. It is just comes across as the opposite side of the same coin. But if you want money for people with minds that hate. All I can tell you sister you have to wait.

It is interesting how a lot of media/training/representations show the bad guys as wearing hoodies...

Well then the answer is extinction for humans? IE your first comment? As long as we are around we will inevitably directly/indirectly cause the extinction of organisms. Whether it is greed or just living in an area. No matter how ecofriendly we are.

Well you see the statue broke below the left knee. That is a clear sign of racism. Look at how the rest of the statue was posed. This was meant to be a message.

Whoa keep your logic at bay! Who ever it was did it for the worst reason imaginable. They definitely didn’t try drunkenly posing or goofing around with a statue.

Things would go extinct whether we are here or not. Does it make it any less sad? No not really. But if you take us off this planet it wouldn’t change the rules of nature.

Well one less thing to worry about.

That is profiling. You race..nationalist!

I thought it was New Jersey

Holy fuck... Dude is clearly not caring and paying attention to much he is doing. But “Squashing”? Lol Rhett get the fuck out of here.

Rule of Acquisition number 109, “Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.”

Yup google chrome has its tendrils in everything if you let it.

I am not sure. I noticed that after the most recent update I programs such as “Net Analyzer” on my iPad wont display MAC addresses anymore.

Go shoot out a landlord’s window instead of blaming people for being successful. Wtf is wrong with you?

Damn Captain Planet!