
Eh the new Star Wars movies have been really uninspired. I think a Seven Samurai movie would feel like more of the same...

I am interested in all of these but Solo. I will wait to see if it is worth my money. It sounds like a mess and honestly I don’t want to see a Han Solo movie.

“At the very least, the tiny slice of the market running AMD processors has some grounds to feel pleased about themselves.” - Salty Writer

Didn’t the couple see the Matrix the agents shoot through cement pillars and then right through Morpheus’s leg!

Ugh oh well... You are right. Lol you are right.

Me? No I am too old to vote.



Lol yes because the Democratic party would never... Different sides of the same coin brother.

Lol that is what happens when you hand over this kind of power to a unelected organization. See DEA, ATF, or Federal Alphabet. It is kind of bitter sweet for me as a firearms collector. Maybe this will mend fences in the populace and we can bring the power back to the people but I doubt it. Red vs Blue politics is

I don’t know if you have it right. I think most people wont notice at all. For the people who are aware of what is happening maybe Obi Wan “As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”

See EA look what you did to Mickey!

Pretty sure this is the response his video wanted to illicit. I am sure he is enjoying your salt. Good job playing into your enemies hands. Hope you got yourself on some kind of watch list.

A shameless Uncle Tom? So Indian people can’t be different? They need to have a homogeneous opinion and can’t take stupid stances like white folk. I think any race of people have the right/ability to form their own opinion and make stupid ass decisions on who they support. You sir are a racist.

Not a fan. Reading these comments though... So much rage, salt, threats/dreams of violence, and racism. 

I am with ya. Disney is done getting my cash after the last two movies for the time being. Beat me to death with fan service I am done for now.

Except us though right ;)

But if you could stop them then it isn’t rape because you stopped them? Maybe I am missing something but it seems your argument is well the act was initiated by the assailant but the victim took out the butt plug of their own free will so no harm no foul?


France oh I will believe them. The same country who tried to say there were no elevated levels of radiation from Chernobyl.