
Why would they be friends? Batman has a long record of spraying aquatic animals in the face. He probably has a Aquaman spray.

One thing that will be interesting going forward is when the bubble bursts for commercial real estate. I believe that in maybe 10 years there is going to be a lot less need for office space/storefronts. These can be repurposed or demolished for green space and free up a lot of land in cities.

Maybe has horses? If your going to go with an animal as a qualifier.

I don’t know about number 4. Loves dogs. That seems like a stretch.

I love this game. It took a bit to get good but they have been consistently developing it and now it is really paying off. (Finally)

He makes me feed him. I wish I could cut back his food but I fear for my family...

It has always been easy... Look up the Luty gun for one example. 


A fool for which the joke went way over their head. Goodest day sir!

Goodest is Frida fool...

How about chat rooms/IRC’s?

Avast Headquarters in the Czech Republic. Lenovo had a similar issue a few years ago. People should vet their software/devices more. 

Also if you want to use that justification. NRA is a big movement.

I guess but do you need radicals? Generally they hurt more than they help. Specially when they are the ones who damage the environment or historic or cultural sites like they have in the past. The Sierra Club is like basically like wearing a ribbon to say I care...

Well have different opinions clearly on how “FAR the lesser of the two evils” they are apparently. Yes they are a group who I am on their side on most of those issues you listed above. But I still don’t support evil, as you put it. This isn’t a binary choice as most things aren’t...

Those things are bad. Bad things are bad. So I should associate myself with an organization I don’t believe in and believe is wrong in many of its methods? We maybe on the same side but I still am not associated nor would I ever be with Greenpeace.

Speaking as a leave no trace outdoor enthusiast. I wouldn’t touch Greenpeace with a 10ft pole. Seems more like psychopaths calling psychopaths.

Wait what should be illegal? I am confused...

I think you are comparing apples and oranges here.

Wow does that happen? That sounds like fun! I want to be a diplomat now.