I mean éSports was right there
I mean éSports was right there
Come on, where do you think they got it from?
Quebec is really just France in active resistance against the British dominion.
You’re cruisin’ for a bruising from a baguette here
Assuming you’re referring to COD, it’s certainly jingoistic. Fascist is an impressive stretch, though. Both are problematic, but they’re not synonymous.
Paradox of tolerance. Extending tolerance to those with intolerant views results in that tolerance getting destroyed by the intolerant.
If your response is “they’re trying, so they’re above criticism” then you’re not really contributing much either.
Woke just means you’re alert to injustice in society, especially racism. The right has taken the word and reversed it’s meaning, so it’s something bad. It’s how Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro and TheQuartering to name a few, make their money. There’s a lot of money in making white men angry.
The word has completely lost all meaning as a result of overuse by the right, and the fact that boomers who can barely operate a television are now using it in syntactically incorrect ways. Trump said something like “now they’re doing woke” at a rally one time.
Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.
Was gonna say the same thing. Musk doesn’t believe in giving people credit because if he did he would have to admit he has never created a single thing, he just buys into other peoples shit
To be fair, he goes out and erases Werner Van Braun’s name personally off of every SpaceX rocket.
“Woke” is another word co-opted to be an insult, in a long line of things people co-opt because the truth behind the terms and/or discussion make them uncomfortable.
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.
Famous Asshole: “Hey, look at this funny thing I found, 95 million followers.”
So how is “being woke” a lie?
Imagine being that rich and that thirsty for attention.
The girl told the newspaper she regretted not contacting authorities from where she lives in Germany
Ha, you must love the smell of your own farts. Christ, the self-entitlement of this dumb take smells from here.
Nothing like being inclusive of the view that girls should be forced to die giving birth after their uncle raped them.