
tell me then, how do these blockchain/crypto heists keep happening? If it’s all as public as you claim, surely something like that should be reversable? I mean, if someone robs your money from a bank, you can recover it. So why is something that is apparently SOOOO secure constantly getting stolen without a trace or

Why so triggered, snowflake? I said mostly. 

You mean a world where you can be mostly anonymous tends to attract criminals and scam artists? You don’t say. 

“According to feedback from players...”

Are you *sure* the plural is justified here, Squeenix?

The first rule of Republican Orgy Club is, you do not talk about Republican Orgy Club.

The size of the fish doesn’t directly correlate to the motion in the ocean.

Not just single player, no Season Pass, no pre-order DLC, no exclusive content for buying Mountain Dew or Butterfingers or some dumb shit. Elden Ring is a genuine, full, complete game.

Absolutely maidenless comment.

And remember, this is the successful Play-To-Earn Crypto game! This is the one that people were using as an example of how much potential there was in this market!

They certainly telegraphed this with their logo lol

No mention of one of the top-tier replies in the comments of the twitter post?

Apparently the global shipping industry has started using a blockchain-based setup called GSBN as a tool for handling a lot of logistics and recordkeeping.

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

not seen a single positive post or even one that explains what NFT’s can actually be used for

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

“Reggie, accept the job and come to Kyoto,” Iwata said. “I will show you how we will continue to innovate.”

Similar to...

Grundle sunning t’ain’t something to joke about.

How about you actually read what I wrote you drooling fuckwit.

I hope so too.