
The cheat menu in GoldenEye on N64 was the gold standard I’m applying to all games since then.
Few have topped it still.

I truly hope so, but I’m torn. VW art style is soooo gorgeous I might be tempted to buy it for the PS5 so I can look at it in it’s 4k glory.

IP ownership is often a very misunderstood topic, and often one that requires digging for information.

Well that’s kinda my point: the movie satire goal won’t land if one only takes the movie at face value. And many are incapable of digging deeper when consuming media unfortunately.

And it’s probably why people did not “get” it. Some watchers NEED to be told that this thing is bad by making the characters that follow it explicitely evil. This is known as “kicking the dog”.

Who can forget her character “encounter” with the protagonist and their commanding officer quip?

Well, it is used as a paragraph header, so there is that!

That person is sooooooo close to a life-altering realization...

It’s like Games Workshop reminding a few people every other year that the Imperium of Man in Warhammer 40K are not the good guys....

The fact the Arnie itself played the Hero, fully congnizant that he was making fun of the archetype that propelled him to fame, obfuscated the parody for some. And it was glorious...

For the record, there was also a bunch of other queer series around it with much better values and/or worthwhile stories being shown.

In some part of the world it is much easier to find because there is simply more of it: you just don’t have to “dig” to find them. That’s kind of my point: these manga sub-genres in Japan are very well known and popular (even if decidedly less so than their mainstream series). They have large followings and sell well

While most popular mangas have more than their share of negative stereotypes, as a whole the manga industry have a huge quantity of niche titles and sub-genres that are very queer friendly (even if they come with a different set of stereotypes) and directly tackle touchy subjects like relationships and even sex across

TBH, I’m NOT a fan of just copy/pasting a few pages worth of patch notes for a game, especially when the reason this article exists is to lay down the (meta) effect of it.

Isn’t that the way microtransactions work on mobile?

I mean, I like a good deconstruction of the superheroes genre once in a while, but the “heroes turn into bad guys” seem overused lately.

You must be completely disconnected from the world at large, especially if you are on the internet for more than 10 minutes a day, to think that trans issues (along with LGBT+ writ large) are not the current cultural flashpoint in most developed countries.

Yeah, we are talking two dimensions here worth of surface, not just a linear 33% increase (6 to 8 => 1/3 increase).

Tl/DR: Don’t ascribe long standing logistics practices to malicious intent without having very clear evidence that is the case. Correlation (multiple scarcity events in the past after launch) doesn’t imply causation (deliberate manipulation of production for PR purposes).

But hey! “Right to work” laws are great!