
Huh. Apparently I don’t go the right (wrong?) places, this is the first time I’ve heard of this game.

Why do you think the Tate’s chose to base in Romania in the first place? It was to do the shitty/illegal/despicable things they did to those women, thinking their fame and money would shield them from it. Well, it didn’t. Live by the corruption, die by the corruption.

How else is she supposed to breathe? 

What? Who the fuck cares? Do movies give out info on the vfx studio that does the vfx?

So about 40 minutes ago I get out of bed, come downstairs, do the usual morning greeting with my wife. When that was over she asks me “how familiar are you with the people behind Dragonball Z”? I say “vaguely” because for as long as I’ve watched all the Dragonballs, I couldn’t tell you the voice actors by name or any

It’s not 4k on the PS5, it’s 1080p. I’ve noticed zero performance differences between the two demos. Only difference is the PS5 version is the tiniest bit sharper. You almost have to have them side-by-side or have a *very* large TV to notice. I’m going with the Switch version. 

Boy, you really couldn’t wait to just stand up and out yourself as part of the problem, could you.

Are you a child? As someone who spends all their time creating shit (as well as critiquing the creative works of others), the idea that someone who has never and will never create anything that gets put out in front of people to be judged feels entitled to talk shit to people who do is ridiculous.

Yeah, gamer bros like you should go fuck off.

It seems obvious, but apparently, it’s some kind of IQ test, because in my experience, most people don’t get it.

It’s extraordinary to see someone dismiss suffrage as just some frippery. What were women and people of colour making such a fuss about?!

I have seen some twitter discourse about this and FUN FACT: either people get this movie, or they’re just cool with fascism and don’t realize that’s what they’ve been conned into understanding as a good way for the world to work.

Agreed, no way all the things there are to praise were entirely by accident, I would imagine a number of aspects were by design. I think he’s a competent director when he wants to be, but yeah, when he doesn’t want to be, you get Showgirls. 

I don’t know, if you read some about Verhoeven, particularly regarding this movie and Robocop, I would error on the side of him being a secret genius.  I think there were just some movies he cared deeply about and some he knew were cash grabs.

It’s important to note, I think, that it’s not parody. Spaceballs is a work of parody - it has affection for its source material while poking fun at its inherent ridiculousness. Starship Troopers, as a genre piece, is exactly what it says on the tin. It is an over-the-top, absurd sci-fi action flick, it is not

This film always reminds me of the situation around Last Action Hero. They’re both satires that went over the heads of a lot of critics because they were action/sci-fi films. They ironically missed giving them proper critical analysis and wrote them off as simple “popcorn flicks.”

But the average you’ll get from the factories is what the Film Industry has been pulling forever...Token black...token gay...token trans...check, check, check down the list.

Heck, with the Persona games there’s a huge uproar over ‘censorship’ when we are removed as a cultural punching bag.

Like, if I had a nickel for how many times Atlus inserted queer people into a comic relief scene just to make them seem predatory and then removed it later I would have 2 nickels but its still

This is actually a Korean game. Same sexism as Chinese and Japanese games, though.