
Yeah, this is very weird. I’m seeing daily ads for this on TV as of late, and Dakota is oddly an afterthought stuffed in the last frame before the title card.

I think I’d seen the ad three times before I got the drift that it was supposed to be a fictional story and not an actual biopic. I kept hoping I’d hear something familiar in the music that would tell me who Ellis Ross’s character was supposed to be, so I guess in that sense, the marketing campaign worked.

I’ve only seen the trailer, and I’d say Johnson and Ross are weighted about equally in that. They may well have different cuts of ads; I think there’s probably also the thought that “movie about a famous singer” is more exciting than “movie about someone who wants to do a job where most of the audience has no ideal

As someone that lives in the predominantly white state of Vermont, I can confirm that we have the same ads.

So it’s like The Help, where the pre-release marketing didn’t make it clear that it was an Emma Stone movie, with the maids as supporting characters?

It’s weird and crazy. We get told over and over that black actors and movies are unmarketable, but the entire pitch for this movie is Tracee Ellis Ross and Ice Cube, with Johnson’s presence in the background sticking out like a sore thumb because you usually don’t get that sort of white supporting character in a black

Gonna post the same thing. I have seen the commercial for this about a dozen times and haven’t seen a single clip featuring Johnson. What kind of crazy marketing is this?

There’s also a lot of evidence that he was up to something very shady though, just sayin’. Plus it doesn’t appear he made his initial money from breeding. Nobody flies unregistered planes in and out of the country on the regular for kicks, either.

I kind of liked grown up Q.

Vulture’s article address this pretty well. From my understanding, while Russell has read Ortiz’s work and acknowledged it as an influence, Russell has been working on this book for many years.

Kind of to the detriment of a lot of movies, so I hear. Lulu Wang said in an interview about the Farewell, that producers are still looking for that Big Fat Greek Wedding aesthetic and they were pushing her toward more broad eccentric characters in her movie. She pushed back and won, but alluded to a number of, for

While Nia Vardalos did not get to recreate the success of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, it is fair to say that the film paved way for wedding romcoms with non-WASP characters like Crazy Rich Asians.

I think it’s important to note that Pete lives in the basement of the house he bought for his mom, not just “his mom’s basement.”

Yeah that's how depression works- it's a chemical imbalance not just having a bad day

Can whoever is the last to go unblock/subscribe to all of the trolls who used to roam theses comment threads as a final Fuck You.

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

you are a horror film. just the most frightening thing ever. ugh..

Wait, you got into it, to say that people shouldn’t feel like they have to get into it?

I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped. 

God, that’s hardly parody now. I just rewatched the whole clip — at the end, to distract from question about the war, he starts talking about creating the goddam Space Force and going to Mars.