Not related to this specific post, but . . .
Not related to this specific post, but . . .
Five bucks says something really damning about Pelosi comes out during this—probably not directly related to this, but really bad—and she conveniently decides not to run for re-election.
Can we root for them to be so bad that the 1972 Dolphins retroactively have their perfect season stripped so we never have to hear about it again?
Wouldn’t have been the first time I’ve had a night ruined by a 15-second boner.
Oh, I imagine all of their money is tied up in trusts and other tax-advantaged entities. Even though their “think tanks” and “Action Funds” have molded tax policy in this country to the point where inherited wealth is barely taxed at all, I’m guessing that still made sure that not a penny went to the government.
LOL right. I’m sure that 58B is so insulated from the tax man, we’ll be lucky if the IRS sees a dime.
thats not how taxes work, thats his net worth
Some loophole? More like every loophole possible, including some that he wrote and paid lawmakers to pass. I’d be surprised if the government sees even a nickel of that.
Is this sarcasm? Because people with this kind of money set up trusts, charities, foundations etc that are never taxed whether they are alive or dead.
Absolutely fucking Bingo. Anyone who is STILL bitching about “Bernie’s animosity” is just a pissed off Clinton voter who still can’t accept the reality that she was never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to win the general election. Ever.
Notably, that was 2 decades ago.
Trump: “Wait a minute. No president has done what I’ve done.”
Confederate statues - “We need them! We need them as...uh...a constant reminder that slavery is bad! So we can learn from history or something!”
Well, I always thought Kareem was the greatest, but my Dad says he doesn’t work hard enough on defense.
I have said it before. She will probably be king maker in the Primary and probably the tipping point in the general election.
I know a very dirty woman who did this to a friend when she got very drunk at a bar. If I recall though, there was some preceeding interaction that was tangentially related. Even then, everyone was grossed out by it, and everyone who was there remembers it.
Simmons couldn’t possibly be fighting this. He’s a union member of WGA West. If anything this probably has to do with the shadowy money sources that own the Ringer.
Nepotism Barbie is desperate to be taken seriously. She wants to be seen as polished, educated and well-informed. Then she opens her mouth and you realize she’s her father but in prettier packaging. She’s as fake as those giant veneers in her mouth.
Antifa: a terrorist organization that must be stopped.
First of all, the “portion control” part doesn’t make a lot of sense. By that logic, you could put a baked potato loaded with cheese and bacon bits in the “skinny jeans” portion and a salad with fruit and veggies and a vinaigrette dressing in the “mom jeans” portion.