A lot of people have gone over why this article makes a weak argument, but I have a stronger one.
A lot of people have gone over why this article makes a weak argument, but I have a stronger one.
feels like a pedophile wrote it, and then tried to pass it off as comedy. Not the same thing at all, but you hear about rising comedians putting in the script that their character feels up the female lead, or ogles her in the shower, or accidentally strips her while falling, etc.
. But “Laws Of Attraction” makes an inadvertent argument that he’s become almost totally narratively superfluous at this point—while also making it clear who his perfect successor as the center of the show’s ensemble could be.
“cultural genocide” is a component of genocide.
It is Billy Walsh. He’s married to the director on a bunch (maybe all) of the episodes.
Wasn’t Downey’s family jewish? I thought he was taking offense to the casual use of “genocide” and probably pushed a little too hard and went anti-foreigner.
I think this is one of those cases where the Boys show is a lot more progressive and thoughtful than the Boys comic and a lot of the comics fans have come out of the woodwork for the entire life of the show wishing that the women were degraded more. Its terrible and unfortunate that all of that mysoginy just gets…
I think this piece goes through it all.
The Last Jedi is the only one that has any sort of interesting tail, which is the mark of a solid “film.” The other star wars in the previous trilogies all had something to discuss and TLJ is the only that lives up to that.
Fletch was such a garbage movie, Chevy Chase leaned into his worst self satisfied comedic instints and the only person who can stand up to the stench was an amazing Geena Davis. It’s not comedy, it’s Chevy Chase saying “silly” shit at every opportunity, and it really paints him into a corner because he doesn’t give…
They made ms marvel inhuman because at the time fox had the rights to all mutants and they didn’t want to introduce any mutants that would become popular enough that a movie/tv show could be made about them. Now its largy irrelevant, but don’t see it changing anytime soon.
Any relation the Clandestines—and Kamala, it seems—have to the Djinn is also done, as there wasn’t any mention of them this episode. It’s a pity, because the show could have done something really interesting, pushing back against racist stereotypes of Djinn and showing it had taken the care to do something nuanced and…
All of the actors that he had trouble with on set have come out in favor of him, so I think its less about a payday, more that they think it is a part of the process. I’m not saying it should be, but actors are very attracted to the idea of pain and sacrifice for art.
Tim Allen’s Lightyear is a riff on the character he always plays, a blowhard that isn’t as smart of capable as he thinks he is. Makes sense for a toy that thinks he is a space hero, makes no sense for an actual space hero.
I don’t really care either way, but guys like this are why you see people like Taylor swift registering every utterance that comes out of their mouth, and why Lucasfilm sends cease and desist letters to kids birthday parties.
Marvel movies and especially the tv shows run the same way. They even do post release patches. Its the nature of heavy CGI. like a videogame you end up with a bug list and you tackle them up to the last minute. Its not reshoots or reordering the show.
Christina’s probably in the heaven world that’s why marsden is there, maybe dolores sent a copy of herself there, to live free without the burden of memory.
Kevin Feige took one look at Moon Knight and didn’t want any other Marvel Properties anywhere near it. I forsee the Agents of Sheild treatment.
One of the things about Wandavision that I noted at the time, was that while a lot of people took the ending as her healing from trauma, she actually ends up in a darker place. She never even thinks that she should be answering for her crimes, or work with the town to make amends. She just leaves and goes off to…
Kamala calls the Djinn “the stuff of nightmares,” but in Islamic culture Djinn aren’t always tricksters or devils. To take this Islamic belief and vilify it continues a never-ending problem with American media. And to make the Djinn the villain when the source material has no connection to them is a frustrating…