How you wear your hijab is both cultural and religious. Some people do show some hair. There is also historical record of this practice going back centuries, so it is not just some modern idea, as some people will have you believe.
How you wear your hijab is both cultural and religious. Some people do show some hair. There is also historical record of this practice going back centuries, so it is not just some modern idea, as some people will have you believe.
Through line from hawkeye, where hawkeye doesn’t get why ant man is there in Rodgers the musical, but now it makes sense because scott has been telling the world about what happened.
Now that they have introduced all of these varietys of afterlife in Moonknight, I’m betting that Kamla slipped into one of those. Given the purple, it could just be the Black Panther ancestral plane, but its probably some place else.
Scott Lang has a podcast which has been explaining what happened in end for at least 30 episodes, I think, that has also special guests. So its possible that everyone knows everything about endgame/ infinity war if they want to.
We’re now running into the Johnny Depp problem constantly. You have one story of multiple Flirty DMs and a guy saying there was one DM, that was inappropriate without context.
I figured it was classic star wars ageism. Luke was too old so there's no way leia could catch up.
Not by any metric i’ve seen. It pretty consistently was in 3-5 place.
What records, it got 5% of game of thrones numbers and about 25% of your average Disney plus marvel/star wars viewers. Its no shame to say that it is a smaller side project.
These are also quirky - way outside of primetime tv shows that have nothing to do with the movie universes. Its better than MCU, but its also that they set up these lower budget playgrounds to mess around with story in a variety of ways to see what works, where as Marvel has a top down approach where everything is…
I think it ultimately worked, but its the exact sort of thing that Lorne is notorious for not wanting his sketches to be. The whole episode felt like he had taken his hands off the wheel and let come what may.
Both were TBS afternoon staples in the late 90s. So if you were a kid home alone, maybe 30s. Though it felt like probably Armisen designed the sketch, since noone seemed to connect at all to the underlying works.
I feel like they wasted Villasenor’s prime by shoving her in a box to make 4 Trump related sketches a night in the 2016-2020 era. She was probably the best pop impressionist they had, but they went to McKinnon for easy laughs playing the political figure of the week.
I used to do this yearly pre pandemic. It started with pizza, since I learned how to make pizza dough the month before. Then it was grill fest, where everyone brought a different item to put on the grill (peaches won that one). I think the last one was muffin-tinitus after I started to get a ringing in my ears.…
That was the whole point of the show. It was a lark on the idea of the white man’s burden. He’s an hourly shoe salesman and he’s got a hot wife, a two story house, and two cars, but he’s always crying about how poor he is and how his wife isn’t attractive enough to have sex with, his life sucks, etc.
In the toilet sketch, the joke is taking the piss out of those overwrought 80s ads that began with apple. Not simple “haha poops.” Come on guy.
I like that scene not being there. There’s a hint, given all of the oblique references, that this show doesn’t even take place where the MCU does in the multiverse.
Luke Cage, Falcon and Wandavision are high. AOS, Legion and Hit Monkey are low. AOS really should get more credit as the show that proved you could make all of the rest of the shows in the list work.
You hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get into it. It was a bunch of people who couldn’t break out of the material. Usually with comedies the actors will pull the writing in certain directions, but the whole thing just stayed flat.
Am I wrong, doesn’t this feel like the exact right person to be writing for Grey’s Anatomy.
I think it really comes from giving stories like this a lot of oxygen before all of the facts are known. Absolutely believe women and support them, but that the shouldn’t generate 100 speculative blogs about what Johnny Depp might have done or present one-side as the entire complete pictures of what happened.