
Why is noone talking about alice sebold?

Rand’s already channeled, they just didn’t make a big deal of it.

This is just the first issue and mostly setup for the series.

Dumbledore’s lessons in Half-Blood Prince? It was to teach Harry not to rely on short cuts in his pursuit of a goal. Don’t rely on assumptions, trust but verify in other words.

I found it exhausing on first watch, it was overstuffed and oversold, I didn’t thinking I’d watch another PT anderson movie again. It just came at the wrong time. There were all of these smaller quirky, quiter more interesting stories being told and MAgnolia is near explosive, until the last act where you do see real

This says more about what you are expressing interest on via tik tok than what is happening on tiktok. The gender swapped versions of these are just as prominent ( except for the someone beat up my friend ones) if you go to youtube its probably easier to find than scrolling through your curated tiktok feed.

The implication was strong that she was elevated way beyond where her experience would have taken her because she was a roy, but that’s why its a good fit for her.  She can tell herself that she earned it, while it being clear to us that she’s a couple of rungs past where she should be.

It’s pretty simple, she’s using both of them as cover. I think to the extent the audience is torn about Shiv up front, is that the cover is effective early, but it was always cover. The Bernie Sanders character knows this and Tom’s arc in the first season is him gradually discovering this, and breaking mildly bad.

Very early in the series, they let you know that Shiv is happy to trade on the family name and money. She never really earned any of her places, but she hungers for the respect of people who have earned their place, which makes her try to carve out an area outside of the family business so she can lie to herself about

I’ve seen both. It’s going for something different, and either it comes together and works for you or it doesn’t.  There’s a lot of love for the source character and Stewart herself that bleeds into some of the reviews I’ve read, so maybe that’s the key.  If you have a high opinion/ interest in either it’ll work, or

same reason the queen is on the money I suppose

I’m impressed by Colombus’ ability to create hogwarts, but there’s a lot of button mashing on the wide-eyed wonder faces and ostentatious display, and for that he sacrifices depth of magic of the world. In the first one, it clearly did work as a movie for children, but it got tired with an hour left and then kept on

It was that the “Philosphers Stone” had meaning to British school children that wasn’t known to American kids.  If the name was just meaningless, it made more sense to tie it to an american understanding of magic.

I like this show, but I don’t know if I’m going to miss it. One of the problems with these comic adaptations is that they don’t trust the source material enough to let the plot just start. So you get all of these origin stories, which aren’t really “stories” in the classical sense, just exposition.

But Disney, historically has staked out its Marvel tent poles and told everyone else to move. It even kicked other Disney movies out of the way.

I think its more low hype after eternals + covid, but I get what your saying, but the majority of the moves stem from that one move which is what I’m saying, not a succession of box office moves, just the Strange delay rippling like waves.

no Marvel movies took the place of marvel movies. Other movies moved to give marvel movies more space.

Ok, Boomer is usually a response to some bad boomer take. It causes a person to take stock of what they said and maybe work on themselves as the wane through the years.

but marvel movies are still in the same places. that’s what I’m saying, only one moved and that was the March one, which would have come out possibly before the 13 and under set could be vaccinated.

Strange moved into thors spot, thor to black panther, black panther to marvels, marvesl to ant man, ant man to the untitle movie, which in this musical chairs has now been eliminated.  They slotted things into marvel gaps.