
IT worked for philip morris. I remember being on this website a few years ago and the young writers would say, “how could vaping be bad, you can trust those vaping companies.” and I was blown away.

but they didn’t move gaps, they just took march off the schedule and had each movie bump out the next movie, except for indy which got blown out to save the marvel cash cow.

No, the article says that’s what disney says, but if you look at the one year gap between the indy movie dates and the removal of movies completely from the schedule. You can sense a hedging.  Like Indy has clearly been moved to give the Marvel movies room to breath, not to make up for a 1 month shutdown.


I’m betting its that Eternals is forecast to be a loser and that Multiverse of Madness will be a bigger hit coming in blockbuster season, after the kiddos can be vaccinated too, than it will in March.  If Eternals is a huge hit, I’m betting Multiverse slips back to April and Love and Thunder slip back to June

I thought this was going to be a gotcha, but this is a pretty easy yes to both.

You have to weigh new production against the costs to the environment, how is this contrarian?

The original RAV4 was basically a corolla platform, with some elements of the carina and celica thrown in . Then they moved to the shared platform to keep costs down across in manufacturing all their cars, then they split up the platforms again and somehow the rav4 got slotted into camry platform, instead of the

But that’s the thing, a debate was started, you ended it because it wasn’t on your terms, because it got at the fundamental duality of comics. That you can both dig deep into character specifics, while also addressing that part of its intention is that it isn’t entirely character based.

This is what I think of. I don’t remember much of the movie except that giamatti was over qualified and Siobhan’s character sneered every line.

As he ages, my dad jokes to his friend edgar that his “egger suit” is breaking down.

I think History, Math and Gym are most likely to be men, everything else is most likely to be women, from the last time I looked into it.

Noone will discuss Captain America with me.

the kid who got kicked off the stairs in an “all out karate riot”

I feel like Chazelle should have waited to do lala land after First Man. It was so clear that lala land was and inspired piece in his head, you could feel that he had picked up something from Cherbourg, but he was enough of a director yet to handle something that big.  I don’t think there’ll be any retrospectives on

The smart thing to do would have been to break up with her after the affair. When people get stressed, unless they’ve gotten psychological help, they tend to revert to similar behaviors.

Zac Snyder was all wrong about Superman.  Superman lived in bad times, but never reveled in it, he elevated himself above it, honestly, mostly by ignoring a lot of it.  Snyder fell into the trap that Stracinski fell into with the Earth One books, they got so grimy and real that they couldn’t figure out how to let him

I think the idea is that if Wanda had her comics background, there’d be a lot more meat on the bone in their interactions, and it actually could give Wanda’s character more depth. 

Summer Stock is one of those movie I saw when I first got into classic movies two decades ago in college. I just happened to be sitting down in the middle of a judy garland marathon, hoping the next movie was going to be a star is born( which was the only one I’d heard of) and instead the guy was announcing this

Mike cahill and frequent collaborator Britt marling keep curiously going back to this idea of multiple worlds, it’s hard to know what they believe is left on that bone, whatever it was, this and oa2 come up empty.