
“What have you done for women?”

I feel that so hard. On the one hand it’s nice to be so loved, on the other hand... ugh.

Oh god. This kind of shit is exactly my mom, lol.

Thanks! That’s helpful. I’m anticipating just having to do some homework and put more effort into meal prep, less on-the-go stuff.

This is 110% something my mom would do if she lost contact with me, even if I’d previously given her plenty of warning that I would be dropping off the map for whatever reason.

Can I ask you how much meat you tend to eat and where you get it? I’ve been wanting to move away from eating farmed animals for a while now, or at least mammals for starters, and I know this will require a considerable amount of change to my diet and preparation/planning and such. Life has been too hectic lately for

I have no idea who or what you’re talking about, have never participated in or otherwise been involved in the Women’s Marches (precisely because of issues I have with organizers/messaging etc), and don’t support rapists leading any movements.

She’s a terf. I’m sorry for what’s happened to her, but I cannot get behind her as a movement leader when she has these shitty attitudes and behaviors that she seems to have no interest in changing.

Simultaneously happy for you that you’ve been able to receive the care you need and insanely jealous. I’ve been sick for the past two weeks with variations of head cold/sore throat/cough etc., and my coworkers were telling me to go to the doctor earlier when I couldn’t speak without sounding like a chainsaw. I just

Ditto what ambivalidextrous said. It seems to me that your arguments here have been misconstrued and misrepresented, and I’m sorry to see that. I think you’re raising valid points, and I appreciate your perspective. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about restorative justice, prison/police abolition, what does all of

Bootlickers never fail to amaze me. What do they get out of it?

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That’s all.

Seems like some people were sleeping for 8 years because they had a nice, eloquent, Democratic president.

This is all true, but Vanilla ISIS and all of their sympathizers and apologists do not care. They have no principles. They are ruthless, unscrupulous hypocrites and liars, and the base laps up whatever shitty excuses and justifications and distractions the leaders dole out. They call Trump “a Cyrus,” an unexpected and

What the fuck. That’s horrible. I was already disinclined to be a fan based on her rant about how “people need to stop bitching about Columbus Day.”

Let it drop when there are untold numbers of clicks and views to be gained from feeding into a drama?!? *gasps in Social Media Influencer*

Does she go there too?

Shut up, Frank.


You’re obvious and tedious. Fuck off.