
Are we safe to assume that this video is canonical then?

Ratatoing is a classic!! You could find it in every street stand mixed with bootleg DVDs of Spiderman 3 and whatever High School Musical to come out that year. These knockoffs were all the rage here in Brazil back then. The hopes of so many kids shattered by their relatives' complete lack of skill to differentiate a

I don't watch it regularly, and yet I know the name of most participants because they all sell out venues when they come around here… and I don't even live in the US!

No mention of RuPaul? That's by far the coolest win.

Did NMH spend a lot of time in Athens, tho? I thought they got together there and then left. I didn't know they were really considered local stuff. Wuxtry has so little memorabilia on them, compared to all the other famous Athens bands, for example

Subtle as in not something that will actually change the show. It was just a throwaway line. Yeah, a transparent one, but I guess you gotta make it register when it's just one line about it.

I loved the subtle way they acknowledged the real current presidential race.

Modern World's "I Melt With You" is at least inspired by this

This is as good as any a time to complain again about how I saw Pavement followed by the Pumpkins in a festival in 2010 and the latter's fans were being insufferable idiots who occupied the front rows and acted like dicks the whole day thru.

I thought that could be the case, but thought "nah that would be too depressing".

I don't know if you'll get to read this, but I have one little quip.

Good riddance Girls, you're dying as you lived: overstaying your welcome.

He looks like a Smooth Criminal in that poster.

I know next to nothing about the animation scene here, but I do know there's this huge festival that everybody talks about.

I'll never get used to see Brazilian stuff in here. But that's positive, of course.

2015: The Year in Band Names
coming around June 2016 or so

Maybe for broadcast TV, but cable audience has actually increased in the past decade by a lot.

I had this song in my Discover Weekly playlist this week. It was maybe the one song that caught my attention the most. This article was posted in the exact moment I was listening to it for the first time.

Believe me, wandering around São Paulo at night isn't nearly as interesting as it might seem.

Half a decade ago I went to a rock club in the city I had just moved in.
They played Pixies' Bone Machine.
This moment has pretty much defined my music interests from the years since.