
Omg I knew I wasn’t going crazy! I’ve been waiting for this movie to get to Brazil, but I had a feeling it won’t ever, for that exact reason. “Urban” movies never get released here.

I would if they were

“First viral video”

You guys are insane, this episode was amazing

Might make him a bad person, doesn’t make him an alt-righter. Not that the two are very distant, but there’s a difference.

Does it not? Both the av club article and Fader’s paints Fantano as a closeted alt-righter just waiting for the next opportunity to show his true colors, and boy, will I be surprised if that proves to be true.

I’ve been posting on this site for years and years and years. This is not what’s happening here. I’d be one to jump on defense of the av club. Not in this case. We’re not talking about some PewDiePie type. Fantano is a leftist, if you follow his work for any period of time that becomes pretty clear. He might have put

But as far as I remember he wasn’t even a Bernie Or Bust. Unless my memory is really betraying me, he reluctantly supported Hillary on the general election

I don’t know... thisistheplan was terrible, but that article, and specially this headline, feels like an overreach.

I do find it interesting that his phone is on the script for Philbert

This is a decade-old Brazilian meme and I honestly feel a little disconcerted that it has been appropriated by American twitter now

Oh my god the pacing of this movie. There's like a 30min stretch before the climax that left me completely flat.

I saw it last week and it's not as good as the first one, but it's not bad. It certainly needed a stronger script and to take itself less seriously. The whole Marvel-ness of it really bogs it down.

anything Queen.

That's what makes the internet nowadays evil tho

He was one of the "meems" on Weezer's Pork and Beans video. Good, innocent times when the internet hadn't turned evil yet.

LOL no.

Btw, the Netflix library is country-specific, and they've blocked VPN. Also I did watch episode 1, my kickstarter pledge was high enough for that.

Yeah, eventually I'll have some way or another to get it without resorting to torrenting, but it's just frustrating to be left behind whilst being one of the people who helped make it possible. I already pay for Netflix, never expected subtitles anyway and yet I've slipped thru the cracks of a business decision.

I would LOVE to be watching it! But I can't, even tho I was a backer, because it's only on Netflix in the Anglophone countries and I didn't pledge enough money for downloads of the entire season.