
Perfect, I’ll give you full access to the catering blimp.

Oh here we go again. Ya’ll wouldn’t be throwing this shit around if it was a heterosexual couple let’s be real

I’m bothered by the fact that you tried to be fancy and used “whom” when you should have used “who.”

Yeah, Twin Fantasy is a concept album about an internet crush Toledo had in high school or something like that. Almost all CSH lyrics are super literal.

There are some music habits I just won’t drop and for whatever reason, Weezer and Beck are two of ‘em.

Damn, that’s his husband? Way to go, Lance Bass.

that Fader article is a load of overreaching BS.

Monocle pop.

As a follower of Fantano’s for years. I’m just going to have to point out how much of a reach this article is. To cite one video and two podcasts from a body of work including close to one thousand videos, it can be quite easy to cherry pick a few key problematic moments to build a reactionary article off of. The

This article is a definite hitpiece, Fantano has never aligned with the alt-right, and the “meme reviews” were definitely just catering to the popular memes on Twitter of the week. Any stances he took that would be considered “alt-right”, in the context of the actual videos, are blatantly satirical, and the article

it’s a good show.

Just *reading* about that ending makes me tear up. What a knockout ending!

That’s too much, man.

At least you started to realize it. I never put it together until Princess Carolyn described how it was her coping mechanism, and I practically begged the show not to cut to the credits.