
Oh, so close… but wrong. I'll just save you the trouble and tell you it starts with a B.

They kind of have a point, tho. The names of people being arrested for suspicions were being leaked by the press, but lots of them ended up not even being persecuted, so flimsy were the accusations. But the damage to their reputation was done.

Haha no, not really. I'm not even from an English-speaking country. But I'm a record enthusiast, so I know this stuff.

I'm not a Brit, actually. The thing is called paracetamol in most places outside of North America, I think.

Acetaminophen? Isn't Tylenol made of paracetamol?

Funny, because I've seen the movie and that's exactly my rating. B+.

I'm in one of these countries where the movie was released earlier, so it's so strange to see everyone here so excited about a movie I saw 5 days ago. Separate release dates really seem kinda antiquated in a world so globalized, even tho they make sense from a commercial standpoint.

I read somewhere that he had some beef with Weiner, so that's unlikely.

That was BEAUTIFUL, wasn't it? If they're some kind of subtle satire, well done!

It is rehashed guitar rock. But a very good rehash. Possibly the best one ever made. It doesn't copy one trend or another, instead it blends dozens of influences. It's the LCD Soundsystem of pop rock.

It is, but not with this unwillingness to actually discuss anything.

Oh no, not at all, I totally understand the feeling. I wish I'd done that. I've been interested in vinyl ever since I was a child, having caught just the tail-end of its mainstream usage (at least in my country, anyway). I didn't have any money during the obsolescence phase, so I could only start a collection just as

I was going to ask you to sell me one, but then I remembered they're reissuing the album. I'm fine with a new one.

You don't care at all about having an original pressing? Then, do.

people, please

I imagine if he could fit well in an international setting. He's great, but his best material is rooted in the Brazilian culture. I hope he could tho. They're both from the same place as me, I'll root for them forever.

More than fine by me. He's a fantastic actor, as anyone who has seen his Portuguese-language movies can attest.

I've seen the movie already and

On a 2 years old TV series?

Of a three years old movie?