
I read the headline, and for a split of a second I got all excited until I realized the impracticality of flying all the way from Brazil just to attend this.

It's like how MST3K-related media always mentions its Peabody Award win, even tho it isn't that hard to get one. It's like, be notable during any single year and you're in!

Poor Martha is dead, certainly. It was sealed the moment she called her parents. Reaching out for distant relatives or friends is TV slang for "dead before the season ends".

Snoop—or rather his investment firm, Casa Verde Capital

The Squeakquel: ²Inter ²View: Port of Call: The La2t Electric Boogaloo Return 2½DD

You just reminded me of a nice little story (actually not nice, nor little)

It's a shame the movies themselves are mostly complete crap, tho.

It doesn't really, tho. The Thick of It's offices clearly exist in the same world of political fuckery as Veep's does, but the political side of things is very different. Characters come and go far more often. Stakes are lower, and politicians and aids are even more incompetent.

I'd like to point out that we're comparing the business decisions related to 2 NBC shows with a HBO show.

I imagine someone trying to make a point about introducing some artist while a voter sings in his head "doooo you have the time, to listen to me whine…"

Because it shouldn't be. The producers chose that angle because it was catchy, I guess, but while it made for an enjoyable movie, it smothered a lot of the things that made the comic so great. There was also the problem of cramming to much into it, so why keep every single gaming reference and then some? The book uses

It's possible to like Hannah. Like that stupid friend who annoys the hell out of you but is just naive enough to make her cluelessness kinda charming.

"Skol" sounds like a really cheap brand of South-American beer.

* Does the OK sign *

And that includes the Inquisition.

The Big Christmass Book

Came for the photo, predictably.

I'm glad I'm not you, what a horrifying point of view.

"Is it that you people say this shit just to make sure no one judges you at all as being even slightly non-liberal?"

I'm always amazed by how often do people use offensive terms while trying to criticize some group's behavior. It's like they want to have their opinion invalidated.