
It definitively should be a thing, because there are times where you can obtain consent by pretending to be someone who has a confidence or a relation of power over the victim.

That's not really the same tho, is it? In the movie's case, he pretended to be someone whom she was known to give access to, and in a way that completely prevented her of verifying who he was. He abused her confidence on someone else, and that completely invalidates any pretense of consent received. I'm not saying

Are you really attacking someone for having an one night stand? Nice way to shit on people over your precious morals.

Yeah, but like half the people who ever watched Breaking Bad did it in 2013 really.

The sad thing is, it doesn't matter how solid his music always is, he seems to be moving in the direction of more generic sounds. I wish he had delivered on the promise of Underneath the Pine or Freaking Out, but oh well. At least this one is more consistent than the messy Anything in Return.

See, this discussion is pointless because you think their sampling is random and I don't, you think their songs are poor and I don't.

Sorry, but I disagree. If anything, This Is Happening only feels more consistent because its highs aren't as high. Its back half is only slightly better than Sound of Silver's. And the only thing it really has going on in the first half is the opener, IMO. All I Want is a disappointment, and I Can Change doesn't

I'm there with you. Fargo taught me to avoid prejudgements.

Too easy, apply yourself.

It's just a Simpsons quote, but it wasn't about The Breeders.

Not really rock.

Sorry, I love Beck, but his '00 output does not hold a candle to Sleater-Kinney's. It's not the same thing.

Oh jesus christ stop with the knee-jerk reaction to AnCo, it's childish and pointless.

Yeah, when they mentioned Guitar Romantic as the only great power-pop album of the decade, it got me really mad! Sorry, but both Mass Romantic and Twin Cinema are better than it!

Oh boy, I read the Killers entry, and when they sarcastically wondered if they should put Kasabian otherwise, I thought "uh, yeah?". At least they had 2 decent albums and a few solid singles. The Killers had like 3 good singles and one passable album, which are surrounded by irredeemable crap.

I feel that way as well. Being neither American nor British, I've watched the American media ignore British bands over the years seemingly for what feels to me like no apparent reason whatsoever. I get that most of the NME core can be seen as derivative, but it really cuts deeper than that. Britpop got the same

I don't understand it tbh, because they were way bigger in the '00s than the '90s. 2 of their 3 most acclaimed albums were released in the '00s, and the other halfway 1999.

Foo Fighters' wasn't that relevant until really recently tho. For most of their history, they were pretty much just another rock band, with a few hit singles to be proud of. However, they managed to stay big while everyone else waned, so Grohl took the opportunity and positioned himself as the Savior of Rock and Roll,

St. Vincent's definitively more for this decade than the last one. Marry Me and Actor are good, but not great enough to be so notable.

I've figured by this point these really aren't awards that have to be fairly ranked, it's pretty much a "here's some shit we love under this premise" list.