
Isn't that the plot of Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders?

You people are overthinking this greatly.

Once the setup was made I was savoring for whatever outlandish payoff they could come up with for this joke, and boy did they deliver it. Exaggerated yet plausible.

Err, I think that was just a reference to that cheap-ass Fantastic Four movie made in 1994 just to keep the option in the producer's hand.

It's a shame they called it Spiderman 2 to make a pun, because they could have implied this was just another one in a series of shows where they just put another spiderman in.

I'm positive they'll find some Deus ex Madness [sic] to keep him out of jail.

Definitively an "all Gallaghers together" scene, something we haven't had in quite some time. And it works perfectly.

She has done a lot of crappy things, but this one I'm definitively on her side. She's protecting her son, and Carl's much more street wise anyway.

Oh my, I got to the fourth episode and it's already full-on 30 Rock vol. 2

Well, the show's score is pretty much 30 Rock's score on xanax, so there's clearly a theme going on here.

I was positively surprised on how grounded her character was, given the premise and previews I was fully expecting her to be completely aloof and silly, something like an earnest Zooey Deschanel-type.

You and Patchfacethefool should just get a room already.

Make you unpopular? That's silly.

30 Rock is more ha-ha funny, but it really only works if you get its kind of humor, which is pretty niche.

Oh boy, I've been looking forward to this for so long, glad to hear that it's good.

I interpreted her look as "ugh, that sounded really sappy", and even tho it probably wasn't the case, it made the whole scene kinda funny.

How articulate.

And yet their best, better known songs are rap songs.

Jimmy was involved before with smuggling stolen cars, and also with that fake-as-shit Brazilian drug gang (god, how much I hate that plot line). So, expect any random illegal shit, which will undoubtedly be portrayed in the most unrealistic and silly way possible.

That's not even my main concern; animated shows doing movies usually mean that either the show's quality is going to drop pretty soon, or that the show's going to end pretty soon.