
Oh do, I'm going all giddy up playing one of the games I loved the most as a teenager. It holds up pretty well, and now the outdated graphics somehow seem even more fitting in a '80s themed game (I can't stop seeing the "Money for Nothing" video in its characters).

No, I haven't, and don't call me Shirley.

I thought so initially, but then the other photo showed up, and serious articles about it popped up. The dress might actually be blue and black after all, and the photo was taken with a extremely shitty camera.


I'm playing Vice City right now (don't ask), and boy, all I was thinking about was how shitty that city would be in real life. Pretty much half of it is run by gangs, the rest is riddled with bad drivers and criminals.

Neither has a lot of synths, tho. We'd have to go It's My Life for that.

Lovecats has synth? I remember guitars, drums, bass, piano, horns, but not synth.

Born to latte, the story of a guy who was destined to work at a Starbucks.

So, what is the best Adam Sandler movie? Not so-bad-it's-good best, just straightforward, earnest best.

That was exactly what I was thinking. I've never listened to the poscast, but neither has most people here. It's one thing to see a premise and be uninterested. It's another to attack someone over it. Why are you people taking this so seriously?

This is a much more nuanced issue than stepping on someone's foot. Cause and consequence are not anywhere as clear. And who said that was her reason to not apologize?

I imagine how a Slate assignment meeting goes like.

"Okay stop fighting for your stuff, let's start fighting for women"

Oh my god, do you see how deep, how hair-thin is the difference of the two possible interpretations of this statement? And yet everybody jumped at the conclusion she meant the wrong one. It's like people want to believe she intended the offense.

Maybe the tone of it could be "be careful next time, because what you said might offend some people and be misinterpreted" instead of "what you believe in is wrong, you offended us and you should apologize?"

So what if he's a scientologist? He didn't do anything bad in the name of it, so who cares?

You know that is impossible.

Or, as the rest of the world calls it, 1828.8 Meters Under.

The Camel holds a special place in my heart because it was the first episode of Parks and Recreation I ever saw. I followed news of the Office spin-off, but forgot about it when it became a different show, and read a bad review of the first season and shrugged it off.

The guy took the time to go from the United States all the way to British internet just to make this comment? jeez