
That's my theory still. He thought the next to be announced was going to be Selma.

It is a perfectly valid criticism tho, one of the few being leveled at the movie I actually agree with. The guy appears for two scenes, one of him being hand picked by the white lady for knowing how to add or something, and then another of him thanking her for it. Like, is she magical or something? All he needed was

Boyhood was better.

Whiplash tho, that's a word being put to great use.

oh, uh… that's a tall order, let's see…

I'd take mushy over completely devoid of purpose any time, tho. By season 6 The Office had become borderline unwatchable, IMO. Characters had no stake and no growth, if anything they were becoming more idiotic. Parks managed to keep its characters changing, most of them in positive ways (apart from a Ron Swanson or

1) Speeches
everything else was crap

Oh, c'mon, NPH resumed it like 3 minutes ago!

I thought it was amusing, sorry.

"roger ebert" yeah remind me you didn't nominate Life Itself

that was some top-notch glee

Congratulations on winning for directorial wanking.

So many good jokes to be made. And he does this one.

oh boy, he wish

That speech almost made up for the bad writing.



It's 1:30 already for me :/

She doesn't, but it doesn't make it any less pointless.

This is not 2010 so not really?