
Yeah, because they really honored the movie by putting a singer who has nothing to do with it to sing while their original actors are still alive.

they're not that famous and do not bring an audience in, silly

Where is that guy who was commemorating no pointless montages? Well, there you go.

I know Everything Is Awesome is a better song, but I'm fine with this win. It certainly means a lot more.

Face…………… Off……………..

Stop holding her face John Travolta!!!

For a second I thought that was a joke on Glenn Greenwald and got pretty confused?

Me too, but let's be fair, there's no indication he would be specially enamored with Imitation Game.

Raise your hand if you thought he was going to talk about Selma when he talked about Imitation Game

Whiplash???? I'm fine with this!!

Because she's so famous, amirite?? why would he not be sure she sings, amirite??? because this is 2009, amirite???????????

Clint Eastwood will personally shoot them.

the better ones are improvising, I think

Goldbergs is doing a Ferris Bueller episode? that's off limits!


This opens a dangerous precedent.

Huh, there's an ad scored by Pixies' Where is My Mind, as if Fight Club wasn't enough

The joke would've been much funnier if anyone else came in.

Gone Girl without the twist

because movies you onced like, guise