
Oh, I couldn't know that, thanks.

I didn't get it, someone help me?

Getting a joke never felt more depressing.

The rest doesn't exist.
They're just a collective fever dream.
A horrible, horrible fever dream.

1. The Imitation of Everything
2. The Imitation of Everything
3. The Imitation of Everything
4. The Imitation of Everything
5. The Imitation of Everything
6. The Imitation of Everything
7. The Imitation of Everything
8. The Imitation of Everything

1. Whiplash
2. Boyhood
3. Selma
4. Birdman
5. The Grand Budapest Hotel
=== everything from here down sucks ===
6. American Sniper
7. The Imitation Game
8. The Theory of Everything

Oh good, I thought you just forgot about it.

Maybe, just maybe, Eastwood has been moving to less morally nuanced movies as a reaction to the Obama administration, which made him more conservative than usual? Just conjecturing, here…

American Sniper - Not as bad as some of you led me to believe. I'm not American tho, so the movie might just have been less annoying to me. I didn't get the impression it is pro-war, but Eastwood certainly did not get out of his way at all to give the Iraqis any depth. Action sequences are good, but we're talking

Lurking? We ain't lurking. We're boldly, obnoxiously forthcoming all the time.

It's a "family-focused comedy" based on the life of Dan Savage, so… don't lose hope yet.

Read this. It's a newswire masterpiece.

He lined up the writer of freaking Walter Mitty, so what he said sounds pretty accurate. This movie is sure to have absolutely no conflict whatsoever in it.

He's kinda like Santa, if Santa was deranged, lived in a world straight out of a bad acid trip and had adventures that could easily be adapted as the plot of a horror movie.

Remember that some us actually believed this could be a good show, based on its pilot?
It was a simpler time…

I have an unhealthy obsession with late '80s/early '90s pop music, so thanks for reminding me of this song, I sure won't listen to it on repeat for the next 8 or 9 hours.

American Sniper's plastic baby was a nice touch.

Yeah, I was thinking — wouldn't someone who agrees to do an anonymous interview be exactly the one who has really reprehensible opinions they want to vent anyway?

Is there enough time to become an equestrian?

Pete makes a face indicating he's upset about something or with someone.