
Ha, I did the same thing with Hurt Locker! Probably not as early as you did, but I watched it as soon as it came out and when it won, I was like "well, I knew it for about a year and a half…"

The ceremony itself is kind of bad, but I like the run-up to it a lot. See how much discussion we get out of it. I like awards ceremonies as kind of a sport. They're inherently meaningless, but ripe for entertaining analyzing.

I'd say the movie is not as bad as its audience. It does pander, but just a little, and it doesn't feel like it did it on purpose. It's just Clint Eastwood being Clint Eastwood.

I think I'd be fine with Benedict Cumberbatch winning. He did a fine performance as a character. It's just a shame that character isn't the Alan Turing, but I don't think that's really his fault. I mean, dialogs hint that it was exactly what the producers wanted.

The Wire definitively would've fare better if it was on TV right now, instead of back then.

That's the problem with every discussion about Boyhood tho, why they're lengthily and get nowhere: the very thing detractors complain about the most is exactly what made people love the movie. For some, its display of minutae is uneventful and shallow. For others, it's daring and life-like. We really should be taking

Belgium is a good example of what happens when you don't have a shared culture: it can fracture an entire nation.

So, I ended up watching American Sniper (my friend had already bought the tickets when I reached her), and boy, did I like it WAY better when it was called Hurt Locker.

I wanted to see that, but it premiered earlier in my country than it did in America. It's not on the theaters anymore.

Spongebob it is then.

Would you say better or worse than American Sniper? Because I was going to see Theory of Everything tonight, but there's a shiny AS screening on IMAX in the same multiplex.

Oh, if the movie wasn't about Turing, if he wasn't the main character, I'd probably have enjoyed it much more. I mean, I could make those same criticisms about Manhattan, and I love that show. The movie handled pretty much everyone else better (except for John Cairncross, which had no business being in it). But as a

I feel personally mad about The Imitation Game, specifically. It almost straight-washes Turing completely, takes WAY too many liberties with history, and is so formulaic it's pretty much a template for every "I liked it better when it was called x" quip ever.

You can have all these opinions that I disagree with regarding Boyhood, but what are the "problematic whiffs of privilege and racism" on it exactly? I didn't see any.

It's a disclaimer; a gay genius is basically the same, but instead of Saul, the show would star Dadiva, alter-ego of Andre, a small-fame Publicist stuck between doing good to make his single mom proud and using his natural powers of seduction and manipulation to give his bitchy clients whatever they need, any way they

That's what anyone, including himself, knows him from.

Does Kanye West have more hours in a day than most people? How can he be in so many things every day?

I'm thinking of creating a "Friendly Reminder that NBC is the No. 1 Network" gimmick account to warn people compelled to feel sorry for them.

You saw that part where a formerly beloved actor was talked-up for his past glory endlessly, ignoring all the crap he has done for the past decades and the fact he blew all chances people gave him to do something worthy in his late career? And then he came in and did absolutely nothing funny?

In a related matter, I just watched that Canteen Boy sketch with Alec Baldwin, and… well, they could have addressed some controversies in the show's history, that would be pretty fun and not at all prone to offend a lot of people so why am I still talking shut up idiot