
Yeah, but, you know… *cough* hola unblocker *cough*

I know, none of them sound to different to me tbh. My issue with it is that it sounded super cheap. Like it was put together really quickly in Garage Band with a MIDI sequencer. Sounded more like a guide track than a finished arrangement. Hence the "kidz bop" joke.

That arrangement, fine? Sorry, but I disagree. It sounded like Kidz Bop doing Talking Heads to me.

Just watched the movie, and yep, no dick. At one point Grey opens his fly and you can see part of it for a second. There's also a very suggestive anal scene (which might be the hottest in the entire movie) where they almost show it. But that's pretty much it.

Always a good time to remind NBC still is the No. 1 network anyway.

I don't know, I still think it's probably doomed. Their last season order was too weirdly short, the show is around syndication length and CW has to open some space for new shows. But who knows!

It's popular internationally. And that's something really important for CW, because their US ratings are bad and fantasy shows are all the rage worldwide, so often the network's been used as an outlet for CBS and Warner to churn out shows they'll sell elsewhere

Almost every single one of these bands had albums lately being well-reviewed in this very website.

OK, but what about the lineup for The Dissolve Festival 2015?

And Feels, and Strawberry Jam.

So is Caribou.


This one's staring on The Scruffer

Well, colored vinyl indeed isn't as good as black vinyl. However, only audiophiles, and not even all of them, would skip color vinyl because of this, so maybe he's being pretentious for the joke?

I think I remember Ben Affleck flashing briefly.

I don't recall penises on Gone Girl.
And I don't usually ignore penises.

Not that long ago! More like between the release of Red and the run-up to her last album. It kinda cooled down when she was accused of cultural appropriation a few months ago, but I don't think it got to that extent. I still like her, to be honest.

Shhh, shhh… calm down… don't panic. Come here! Take this. The Shins, you know 'em? Gottahearthisonesongit'llchangeyourlifeIswear

Wait, Taylor Swift's uncool again?

I'm all for vinyl, but man, fuck local businesses! If I wanted to support old people selling things, I'd… I would… I don't really know how to finish this joke, crap.