
A few years ago, '08 I think, I used to watch a round-up of the week on The Daily Show they would show on int'l TV (which means around here) every Saturday. At some point they stopped showing that, and I had to resort to their website. First thing that hit me seeing the original show was how hit-or-miss it was

Because it isn't a well-known phenomenon and there's no evidence that it's an actual thing.

I, too, enjoyed him a lot, if you know what I mean…

I ate brunch at a P.J. Clarke's.
It was the only meal I had the entire weekend.

and I think both The Information and Morning Phase are very flawed albums (extremely disjointed and bloated / utterly boring) with some great songs (like Cellphone's Dead / Blue Moon), but I'd rather listen to Modern Guilt in its entirety than any of the two.

Modern Guilt under Morning Phase or The Information? Sorry but no.

The VCR loading sound both got me in stitches and brought me so many memories.

Last year he was supposed to release 2 new albums, one in the vein of Sea Change (which was Morning Phase), and another one closer to his usual sound. So I'd guess he'll be releasing that one soon?

#KetchUP? It might just mean the show is coming to some streaming service.

The time…
has come.

That was my personal reasoning as well. I'd feel that something should be done to improve the process so this doesn't happen again, but I wouldn't be mad at what happened in this case specifically, for those reasons.

Because that means the system works in the sense that there are ways to avoid being convicted if the trial isn't done properly. Which, in turn, means less people who aren't guilty themselves going to jail.

Watch the movie Network.

Somewhere in the world right now Owen Pallett is really mad

They were copying style harder than specific songs, not to mention how simple their chord progressions are.

Just the expectation for the reaction already got me in stitches. That's good character development for you, ladies & gentlemen.

I felt the opposite way, tbh. When Jeremy calls her out for acting all holy for pegging, it feels like he really got a point across.

I'm totally using that "delightful combination valentine/kick-in-the-face" next time O'Neal mentions the commenters in a newswire.

I'm just happy Frank seems to be somewhat less of an asshole compared to what he'd be like during season 3 or so.

Went to see Whiplash on the movie theater yesterday. So great.