
Boy, this. It's, like, you have to move everything said in America a LOT to the left so you can compare it to stuff said elsewhere. Not to mention when that rule doesn't fit, which is often.

The song that always makes me gasp for its use of a certain epithet…

A bit late to this, but did anyone else have the impression that Elliot the bellboy was a bit effeminate, and then in the end they revealed he had a girlfriend? Is there something to this or am I just seeing too much?

Nicki Minaj's butt is truly something to behold.

I think the inherent problem is to take the origin of a show as an indication of its quality to begin with.

Or the Same Sex, But Never Both At the Same Time

A friend once came to me and asked "hey, aren't you 'adud' from the A.V. Club commenting section?". I didn't even know she accessed the website. It was scary.

Since they specified they're talking about memes from the comments sections, wouldn't it be a "inside meme"?

Really? And me here thinking that judging people who use Hotmail was still streets ahead.

Nah, this is just another miracle bought to you by the 2014 FIFA™ World Cup.

Maybe it's time for you to switch email providers?

And now we'll forever relate Community's renewal with Bon Iver and Zach Braff!

And let the comments about how Community shouldn't be renewed begin!

I got a Yahoo! notification for this???


He wasn't, that line graphic was put wrongly.
He was behind the line of the ball (meaning the pass to him wasn't forward), and therefore legal.

Look at this:

I was watching Mr. Show today, and Bob is aweosme. This show is going to be great, suck it h8rzzzzz….

All that only applies if you believe I was trying to make an actual point; which I wasn't. I've known that list for years, I saw it when it was first published. I knew it didn't prove anything. I fully meant to use it anyway. Like I said, I was riffing off on the high concept of subjectivity as numbers with

"You lost me at hello". An oldie but a goodie.