
I'm joke-taking this seriously, so no, I don't mean to make it as a resounding victory. In fact, that page itself talks about the limitations of such list, it's almost anecdotal evidence. I'm just playing off on the idea of taking acclaim as a mathematical thing, but I guess people are more invested in it than I was

Surprisingly, someone else already did that work for me. And who knew, they were 5th.

Which doesn't make them the most acclaimed band of the decade. They were very acclaimed, specially for such a mainstream band, but they also sure weren't the most acclaimed. In fact, their last two albums were mildly received.

"most critically acclaimed band of the 2000s"
you might be way off on that

A different apology depending on where you drop the needle!

Shameless being nominated for comedy categories is so cringe-worthy. It's that Edie Falco emmy all over again.

It's informative AND funny in a cringe way!

It's NEVER a good idea to throw gay and transgender issues in the same bow. Transgender people hate this, because their problems are way bigger right now in every aspect.

Bob: "Oh yes… How does it feel, huh? Does it feel good?"

… yes?

That's not very smart, the most popular shows will receive the most votes. The staff should choose from this list.

Mad Men - "The Strategy"
Shameless - "Iron City"
Getting On - "Nightshift"
Masters of Sex - "Phallic Victories"

I'm really good remembering crap, and really awful remembering anything worthy. It's like a gift, but the exact opposite.

They couldn't, of course, edit her out without re-doing the entire show, so she was asked to become part of the cast, and accepted it.

The other 2 seasons of Joe Shmoe were not as good, titular Joes were less charming (in the 2nd season one of the Joes even figured it out and became part of the cast or something), gimmicks ran too wild and the cast were not as inspired (first season even had Kristen Wiig!) but it was still superior to most regular

you DID NOT just compare Shoegaze to the Royal Family, no one's that low

Gotta be honest, when I first heard of this project, I almost dropped all of my support for him. How can you claim you just wanna be known for your football and then do something like this? It wouldn't do his career any good, and it wouldn't do the sport any good, while also coming off as a massively calculated move

Wait, he's only new in the US, right? I'm pretty sure he's a thing in my country for some time now.

Agreed. I think downvotes are stupid, and still I took the time to downvote every single one of these personal attacks. How can people be so petty about a freaking review? It's one thing not to agree with what's being said, another is to go after someone because said person doesn't watch the show live (!!!)

He should totally show up being arrested for protesting on Stonewall or something.