


I don't know… Tilda Swinton has too big of a career to do this.

"promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors", forgiving the stupidity of that sentence to begin with, includes holding a fucking rainbow flag in the streets? because people are getting arrested for that!

Well, the movie did repeat better than its first airing, so there's that.

What's wrong with you people? This song is pretty good. I like it more than most of Bossanova and Trompe le Monde.

Alternative Title

Well, he did said "things".

No, bees.

You are a horrible troll, bra. Just sayin'.

They were kids. Simply. Most of these new fans of the Pixies are too young to have lived their first incarnation.

"Why shouldn't you instead shed music like Top 40 and R&B, which are usually far less musically complex and creative than Led Zeppelin and The Doors?"

With the difference that Nolan is no Beatles. And The Beatles are no Beatles either.

I think that news piece broke the record of most moose photos on a single news article ever.

@avclub-776e9111d31a090979dd9fc5f382651c:disqus It is a chickens and egg thing. Subtitles are much more popular than in America in most places, and you can't chalk it up for these reasons in most of these places.

Yes they have, at least up to episode 5.

But people do subtitles in the internet, dude.

It's not that bad, actually. Specially if you compare it to basically anything CBS.

*Songs starts*
"Oh, it doesn't sound that much like Guided by Voices.."
*Vocals come in*

Boy, I love repeats!