
They were both half-quality, so ABC decided to broadcast one on top of the other so they could have one quality show!

THE A.V. CLUB - We Take Weeks Off of Real Life To Spend More Time With Fiction

Geez Todd, just copy-paste the freaking show's title!

White-as-fuck pseudo-afrobeat bullshindie-pop-tronica by Vampire Weekend feat. Ben Gibbard!

This reminds me of all the foreign versions of Desperate Housewives they did in the mid '00s. All of them poorly adapted, all of them awful.

Funny that if I had made a bet in mid 2009 that this show was going to be critically acclaimed and last at least 100 episodes, I'd be rich now.

Late-as-fuck response, but I like how your 3 top shows are the same as mine.

I saw them a month ago in a festival, they did that vagina thing too. The Killers was playing next, so you can imagine the shock on the face of all those teen fans of theirs.

Whatever, as long as you don't use a croissant as one.

The first thing I thought after reading this title was about the gay… ehh… "dating" website.


I actually think one of the opposite sides is in this list: Pabst Blue Ribbon, which newfound hipster popularity has at least a little to do with being mentioned on Blue Velvet.

I like Garden State, so I donated it $1.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus still better than calling it "soccer"

in the next moment after watching it seconds before you would going to feel ashamed immediately right after watching?

Which actually let me down. I listened that song and thought "wait I actually liked something by Paramore" but them I checked out the rest of the songs and, although clearly more of my taste than anything they had done before, none got me like Now did.

I was about to watch In the Loop when this inventory came up, then I watched it and then I got the joke! Amazing!

I'm totally excited for this, "2012 (You Must Be Upgraded)" was one of my very favorite songs last year. They work together so well.

He's back together with The D'Plan, recording new music and stuff

It's the most popular indie rock group ever here in Brazil, I think. I'd say it's good but vastly overrated. There has always been a huge backlash against its fans, who tend to be condescending people.