
I'm surprised there's nothing about Travis Morrison's Travistan, a record that's pretty much an inverted-Funeral example of what a Pitchfork review could do to an artist in the mid '00s.

Yeah, I was surprised they didn't said anything about that, and then I thought, well, it's probably because this is an actually solid album.

Nah, the strange thing is, this might actually be the steadiest show on television. And it should be, since they know the only thing that keeps CBS bringing them back is their reliability.

To be fair, we're in March. Not a single good movie comes out in March. Not in the Hollywood system, at least.

I swear, until right this moment, I was completely sure this guy was dead. I thought, "what the hell, I remember something happening to him, wasn't it death?", and them I looked it up and no, he isn't dead.

So did MBV, for 17 years. I'm a believer.

30 Rock got much more artificial as time passed. It went from "done on location when possible" to "done on location when impossible to reproduce in studio".

He may not be able to dunk, but he sure as hell knows how to get drunk! HEY-OOOOH!

You did posted it in the right order, so thread's done.

@avclub-e46fa50c967edb3d8391cc2fa53f6c6f:disqus The simple thought of Stephen Malkmus as the CEO of Indie made me burst with laughter while working, so thanks/go to hell.

Calling other people's culture silly is kinda dickish.

Yep, on every episode, Girls style.

I got a Happy Endings notification for THIS???

The Avalanches' version of Belle and Sebastian's I'm a Cuckoo is also fantastic.

I was about to say that: this list is missing a LOT of S2 episodes. I love season 2. My favorite season of this show, and one of my favorite seasons of any show ever.

They're a folk punk band. Not very popular, but not really obscure either.

And the award for Most Fucked-Up Fans goes to…

35% tune-yards fans have too. They also are one of the most likely to read in the toilet, at which point I'd suggest Merril to do a toilet-themed album.

For me, so far: fans of Guided by Voices are the 4th most likely to cause car accidents.

It's sad that the "most privately educated" fans are all Brazilian.
Also, most likely to be late, apparently.