
@avclub-991c1161618c95bc94d3e7508c0a3d30:disqus How do I remind you of him? I don't see the parallel between a band known for having a small devoted self-righteous fanbase and a critically acclaimed pop song.

Funny thing is that I remember listening to this song before it became a hit, and thinking "meh, this is lame". And then Cracked did this: http://www.cracked.com/vide… and I thought "yeah, what were they thinking".

Huh? Hey Ya is not theirs. Also, Hey Ya is fantastic.

There were some solid singles on Elephunk, like Let's Get Retarded.

@avclub-d235338629ecad229687a3b849672e38:disqus You obviously don't own I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass, then.

I saw them live once. Ira Kaplan completely destroyed a guitar after a 20 minutes long solo of Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind. So, no. Just no. Don't even.

@Scrawler2:disqus @K. Thrace (I can't cite your name for some reason) that's half the joke, half the lampshade.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus since 1993, according to their website.

That's why I always use the much superior counterpart "pussy-licker".

Country music loving lady?

It's a shame there's nothing in your comment I can actually flag you for.

Hey, I'm not complaining

Which gets a lot of As

@avclub-cc523fc3394bdbf4d568f4c447c1d992:disqus I'd drop Walking Dead to C-level, bump How I Met Your Mother and Revenge to C-level, Glee to D-level (c'mon, it's not that awful).

It's all subjective indeed, because if not I'd murder anyone putting The Walking Dead in the same level of any of the other B-level shows.

I used it before it was released where I live, and I gotta say, although I enjoyed the larger selection, it always felt like too much trouble.

Believing they're more earnest than Bieber is, for me, is one of the delusions.

So, how many days of showing before he decides to retool the exhibition into something more coherent and less gimmicky, and then realizes the name is now unfairly driving people away, to which he responds with self-deprecation jokes and one liners on press material?

But I am not the deputy.

I think it's funny that a pop artist is bashed by a slightly-less-pop artist over an industry award because of street cred. I've counted at least 5 different levels of delusion in this story.