
One Piece is around 300 episodes overdue. It's like The Simpsons of anime.

It's a absolute nightmare to try and follow a case-of-the-week show with too much episodes aired. The lack of development hits way harder when you're watching them in sequence. I bet a lot more people would check out Fringe now if it wasn't for that draggy 1st season, for example.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus apparently he can't enter NBC studios, but I have a theory that they did a deliberately awful green screen to make that very clear to viewers.

I've been getting late to work every day this past month because I found out there are reruns of the early seasons at 8 a.m.

Rural Juror was 30 Rock all along! Liz IS the Juror!

Barred-from-entering-the-NBC-buildiniest, I'd dare say!

Slight misquote!


I knew they were going to do it!

I knew they were going to do it!

Another high point: Conan's obviously green screened cameo.

What? She appeared on the show.

Not really. That was a red herring, the joke is that Kenneth is immortal and is still head of NBC when Liz granddaughter pitches 30 Rock to him.

Also, how can St. Elsewhere be trending on twitter right now, while 30 Rock is not?

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yeah, but they announced the album was done a month ago, and have been teasing it since then

Well, good thing I like Girls better than both shows, then.

Well, good thing I like Girls better than both shows, then.


Everyone knows the only real man in this show is Jane.